Hello, people...yes, I actually did not forget that I used to enjoy writing this blog post. (ignore the past tense in my last statement.) I have to get back into writing an journaling again...but for these next several posts, since I didn't journal over the time my sis was here, you will only get pictures with brief explanations! Oh! happy day!
Yes, we had a very good, amazing, awesome, time while they were here...an yes, the time went way too fast!
life was fairly normal...the first week they were here we were just here around Kisumu showing them our daily lives...work, Bible studies, an visiting, an of course taking them to all the cool places we knew of here in Kisumu town...then we took them to the Mara which was everyone's highlight, it was also our first time there so it was a good experience for all of us.
I didn't have any major happenings happen to me recently, that I feel compelled to tell you all.
other then one thing that happened to me the other week...I found out first hand how it feels to get electrocuted, only I wasn't able to peacefully die, like the prisoners in death row do.
ok, let me explain...so we have a lady that comes to do all our ironing every Friday, (Yes, I like her ALOT...who even goes around doing ironing for others?! not me. but then again she is getting paid....somehow I think I might still pick going hungry rather then ironing...) however, I was setting up the ironing board, an plugged in our iron, it didn't help that I was completely wet from doing our laundry in the ringer washer...but as I plugged in the wire, with out even thinking... I ran my hand along the wire as I was standing back up from plugging it in the socket...an ZAP!!! there was a completely exposed wire, void of any covering over it! my hand stuck to the wire, an I was stuttering an tottering around, an my entire body was shacking uncontrollably! I tried to get loose but couldn't! it was the worse feeling ever! finally the electric currents going through my body threw me to the ground, an then the shocking wire left my hand, which now had a burn on it from the strong current! I sat on the ground feeling so terribly weak, an shaking from head to toe....it was a frightening experience.
but I do really have to add to all my "Mr. Bean loving friends" that I did have to think of his video of those jumper cables! hahah I have a new sad feeling of compassion for the patient that had had the heart attack an Bean was trying to "revive" him with jumper cables!
Anyway, so much for my story.
Hope you all have a good week!
For The Miller's
Sharon & Andre arrival at Nairobi airport... |
The much anticipated little family from America... |
Steve bargaining with a shop keeper... |
eating at an Asian restaurant one evening.... |
What better way to explain Angela's personality... |
Her sister on the other hand takes more convincing...I have a feeling he is trying to explain his uncle status to her, an she's not going to fall for just any made up story of his! hahaha!! |
Dishon holding Shana...Angela was so worried when ever Dishon held Shana... |
Dean miller came to preach at Nyakoko the first Sunday Sharon an Andre were here... |
It was nice Dad didn't have to preach, an had more time with Andre's.....Our church people were so amazed with all the Luo Dean knew! |
The hotel we stayed at in Nairobi, the evening we picked up Andre's at the airport... |
Andre's meeting our church people.... |
Another outing one evening... |
All loaded up an heading back to Kisumu from Nairobi....{this was the first day} |
Beautiful Kenyan sunset.... |
Scenery from Nairobi to Kisumu as we were driving.... |
At Java house for lunch... |
I just had so much fun being an aunt to a little girl I had not seen for a whole year! |
Steve doing work around town... |
Angela really getting into the African spirit of things... |
Angela ready to eat supper... |
Sharon doing laundry.... |
Sharon an Andre bird watching at hippo point...Andre saw around 150 new birds while here in Kenya! |
Visiting church people... |
Angela at Lake Victoria... |
Prince an Angela had an instant bond.... |
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