(Saturday February 18th)
Mom at the hospital... |
GASP! I'm doing what I had vowed I would never do.....I'm not going to be writing about each day of this assigned weeks post...
I'm suddenly the "Mom" at home, cooking, cleaning, an making food for visitors who stop by to see Mom, or making meals for visitors we invite from the compound missionaries...an I quickly learned how much my Mom actually does, an I'm more appreciative of her then I was before!
So I'm embarrassed to say it....but its true....I have been too busy to keep my journal an so I don't even know what all had happened in the last two weeks other then, Mom had a successful surgery, an is recovering here at home, after a several day stay at the hospital.
Dad bruises an cuts were getting infected, but thanks to Dishon (A youth from Rabour CBF church, who is a Doc.) he helped Dad disinfect the wounds an after a painful process of scrapping dead skin off, an applying meds straight to the wound, they are now healing nicely...Praise God!
The AMA Delegation came to Kisumu after spending a week in Nakuru, an after having a one on one meeting with each family here in Kisumu, we all went to Nakuru for our AMA unit meeting.
From Nakuru we then took a load of visitors from Nakuru to the Nairobi airport, an then stayed over night an the whole next day, an picked André an Sharon up that evening around 11pm. which would have been on Wednesday March first. (Now I'm already jumping into the supposed next weeks post...however the next three or four posts might jus be random like this with pictures, since I'm going to spend every minute I can with my sister an her precious family...
Dad getting his ailments treated by Dishon... |
other then that it was usual life...with lots of hurrying an scurrying!
An that's all I have to say!
Have a blest week to each one!
For The Miller Family
All of the yellow skin you see had to be literally scrubbed off, an needless to say Dad experienced pain like never before! |
Dishon comforting Mom during her hospital time... |
Dad helping Mom to eat her food... |
A Sunday evening activity while the delegation was here. (We got rained out, an scurried for the carport.) |
finding a dry spot in the shelter of the carport at Lester's house |
L to R: Yolanda, Becca, Crit, Rissa, an I...some of us youth went on a hike to the falls one day |
Stanley sitting at the top of the falls... |
Steve chatting with a small child... |
Everyone plodding back to the vehicle... |
A day well spent..... |
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