Wednesday, 7 June 2017

A Family Day Adventure, Visitors From America, Vacation At The Mara!

(Saturday May 20th)
Cute little Kenyan Boys
Today was a fun day, Stacy took me out for lunch at my favorite restaurant, an then we did some street shopping, we had a jolly grand time.
In the evening, my family took me to the lake, another favorite spot of mine, we watched the sunset, an then went to nakamat food court for supper, it was a good day especially with going to all my favorite places, however, the realization that I'm now 24 kinda creeped me out...its just really here I thought I would somehow always be twenty-one! but somehow life goes on...
(Sunday May 21st)
Today we all went to our church again we went later, as Dad got one of the brothers to teach IC class.
we also had a visiting native pastor at our church who had the message.
We came home around 2:30pm. had a small lunch an retired to our naps.
At 5pm. I made some pop corn, along with soda an banana bread.
then with my two friends vic an wynn we went to the lake, they wanted to celebrate my birthday with me somehow, so I made a small snack an we went to the lake for a fun evening of some board games, an of course talking. We saw a lovely sunset, it was a beautiful evening.
Hiking on family day...
(Monday May 22nd)
Today was family day.
So we all slept in a bit later, an then did some jobs around home, I went to the dentist at 12 to change the wires on my braces.
when I got home I quickly worked on the blog, since I was behind one post.
Then at around 3pm. our family packed up an made the 45min drive out to a big stony mountain area called Kit-Mikayi where a guide took us along the paths, through the cave, an as close to the top as we could go. it was a fun family experience.
listening to all the jazz he had to say about the holy rock...
However, there was a happening there that kinda creeped us out a little...this mountain is considered holy, an a place of worship for a certain religion, an just as we finished our hike, an were preparing to leave the place, there was a lady that was coming down off of the mountain from fasting an prayer some of the ladies at the bottom of the mountain got into a fight with her, accusing her of being a witch doc. an started beating her, an head-bumping her, till the lady fell to the ground where they kicked her, an took her belongings away from her, dancing around her, chanting, an was all a bit scary to see, an we soon made our way back to our vehicle, thankful for the blood of Jesus that protects us from the warring spirits of the Devils kingdom.
(Tuesday May 23rd)
This morning Dad an Mom left around 6:30am.
to go pick up our visitors from America at the airport in Nairobi.
But today for me was a busy day, of cleaning all day, getting our house ready for for the three bros, we were just around home this evening.
I was very tired so I went to bed early.
At the impressive rocks...
(Wednesday May 24th)
Today again I worked all day with cleaning, doing laundry, an cooking.
In the evening since I was also getting ready for my trip to Uganda with two of my friends next week, I had to go get a yellow fever shot, an also get a bus ticket.
I got more seizure meds, however, they were out of the kind I usually get.
I got some pizza an brought it home for supper...(If you can call it pizza)
We were all around home here all evening, finishing up last minute duties, an getting the laundry put away, an packing our bags, for our early morning trip to the Mara, where we are planning to meet Dad an Mom, an Calvin's family.
(Thursday May 25th)
Today my brothers an I, left the house at 6:30am. all piled into our vehicle, an headed out for the mara, we were all excited since we were meeting Calvin's from our home church in America there for a day an a half of vacation.
We drove all morning, arriving at the mara, around 11:30am. where we waited till they had our room cleaned, then we settled in, an unpacked, had lunch, an took naps, as Dad an mom with Calvin's were not arriving till later that afternoon, they were supposed to arrive around 3pm. so as to go on the evening game drive, but they ended up getting lost somewhere along the line, and not arriving till around 5pm. we had a good evening of catching up, talking nonstop, an celebrating Calvin's birthday at supper time, the people there went all out to celebrate Calvins birthday in real Kenyan fashion, it was a lot of noise for sure! banging on pots an clapping an shouting, an the main cook, playing some kind of "flute" which was a big kitchen utensil, an he was making the sound...needless to say it was quite an entertaining time, an one I don't think Calvin will forget right away.
(Friday May 26th)
Today was our full day at the the morning the game drive started at 6:30am.

climbing the rocks...
then it was back for breakfast, an after breakfast was just relaxing around the lodge, an the swimming pool, eating lunch, more relaxing, catching up on each others lives of the past year, an then the evening game drive at 3:30pm. which lasted till around dusk, then we all came back an took showers, an got ready for supper which started around 7:30-8:00pm (Kenyans eat supper late, often between 8:30-10:00pm.) then we sat around the big fire place in the main lodge area, talking an talking some more...then we went to bed as the morning game drive started again at 6:30am.
We felt so lucky to be able to see the big five once again, there have been people there several times an not seen all of the big five, so we felt privileged to have seen the big five both times we have been there.
Well, this is where this update for this week stops.

They took us into a hut explaining different cultural things...
But while I'm thinking about Vacation, an visitors, an missionary life....there is a small thing I would like to talk about...something that has been spinning through my might read my blogs an wonder, "is that all they EVER do, is fun stuff an vacations! they are supposed to be missionaries!! they should be sacrificing their time!" first of all, if your a person that has had those thoughts about missionaries, first, I would be interested to know if you have ever been a long term missionary serving for a year or more at a foreign mission....I'm not asking that question to put missionaries on a level, or pedestal, above ones that have never done long-term foreign missions, not at all! I just have that question because I find it interesting that very, very rarely do I hear remarks made about how missionary's just vacation too much, an have "too much fun times" from people that have served on the mission field. simply because they "get it". they realize that missionaries also are human beings that need a break, that need to get away an relax, we are not super humans with halo's an furloughs, who don't need a rest because we are flying high through the sky on the wings of prayers. not at all. Then I wonder.....some question why, all I ever write is about all the fun stuff we once again did this week!? really? I try an keep a daily journal which you might know if you have been reading my updates at all...I try to give you an idea of what our weeks consist of...but I sometimes fear this already is too boring to even read! however, I do write about highlights that happen simply because, that's what a writer does, or should I write every little time someone was having a headache? or when we were feeling homesick? or what we ate for supper? No. I don't think you would enjoy hearing that at all either....but we have those rough times. we do. I just don't
As you can see the landscape is very rocky...
feel like depressing people with that kind of reading material. Than I thought of other bloggers, or better yet, budget writers...what do they write about? yes, news, highlights, weddings, funerals, things that happened that week that made an impression! do I come to a conclusion that, from reading the budget... all that community ever does is travel, marry, an die... never mind the countless cookouts, an fellowship meals they have. I bet that's all they ever do!!  No wonder the emails to our forgotten little missionary family are few!! Of course I don't conclude that. Of course I don't feel like that. I know you have jobs, an a normal life to take care of.
Then I think of all the money, an material things you donate. We sincerely appreciate every little thing, more then you will ever, ever know.
So I guess the reason I wrote this is to get you to think alittle from our the next time you think, "they are not getting my support if they are just vacationing over there", please stop, an think if God ever feels that way about you? We are to be wise stewards of all God gives us.
Don't make missionaries feel bad for writing about the fun times they have, or the vacation they took. we are humans too, we wear out, we get tired, we feel empty, but keep on giving....we feel similar things you feel, an go through at home. an I can promise you that you would think we are a depressed group of people, if missionaries would share every low time an every depressed thought, an every ordinary moment, with the people from home.
Showing us some traditional dancing hat...
Because, I know when I was home I didn't share every Sunday my weeks struggles an disappointments, its not possible!
So in short, give us a break! hahahaha! An if my updates are too boring beyond words...don't read them. I promise I wont be offended. in fact, that is what I love about blogs...they don't clutter your inbox in your email! if you read a blog it is because you had some spare time, an choose to read it.
have a wonderful week,
Love an Prayers,
For The Miller's

climbing the rocks...

At the big rock....





Steve hiking...

These ladies were dancing for us when we got back down...

Singing an dancing for the white people...

The main musical thing was a wire, with bottle caps strung on it

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