Monday, 26 June 2017

Grilled Chicken, Father's Day, An A Cancer Patient Finds Help...

(Saturday June 17th)
This work of scrapping the weeds beside the lane, was all done by this blind man.
Today we all slept in except Dad who was in his study, when I got up the boys were still in bed, so I went to town to do several things, then I came back around 11:30am. then all of us compound girls decided to go swimming, we then got back around the evening we went to eat some grilled chicken for Father's Day with Dad...So it felt like a very relaxing spoiled day for me, for sure.
(Sunday June 18th)
Today we left together early for church, we picked up a youth guy, called Evans in Ahero to take him to church with us, since he is attending school right now to become a mechanic.
We had a good service, an tried to explain to them what Father's Day was, some of them knew...
My Brothers an I then sang a song "Daddy's Hands" an all day I felt guilty for the many times I take my Godly father for granted, seeing the many many orphan children an youth sitting there never having the privilege to have any kind of Father figure in their lives, some live with their mothers because their fathers just up an left them sitting, tired of their wife an ready to move on....leaving children an youth, with hurts, an trust issues that will hinder them the rest of their lives...God help us!

The cooks making lunch.....Jacinta an Beatrice here.
Dad then had a message on the Devils ways, of lying an deceiving, an also Satan's many different names...quite interesting, an thought provoking to me, that whenever I choose to sin, instead of doing the right, I'm actually submitting myself under the most awful, evil, authority imaginable! yet how many times do I not see my choices in such a black an white sort of way.
We got home an since tiredness was more prevalent then hunger, I slept instead of eating lunch, I haven't been able to sleep the best the last while, so it leaves me feeling worn out most of the time.
Anyway, after a good nap, I went on a long walk with in the evening it was spike ball on the lane again.
(Monday June 19th)
This morning I did our laundry, after I took care of the sewing class, getting fabric, zippers, buttons, etc.

Then after I finished the laundry I went to town to get my phone fixed, Stan accidently had slammed a seat in the vehicle down on it, an warped the phone, so that the cover wouldn't stay on the phone, thankfully they fixed it.
After that I worked on making another dress for one of my the evening we went to Marlins for a yummy supper, with American imported foods, since they just came from America.
(Tuesday June 20th)
I got up early an put away the laundry, then went to get the sewing ladies started, since Stacy has visitors right now, she had asked me to take care of the sewing class, an I enjoyed doing that.
In the afternoon I did some more sewing of my own...then in the late afternoon evening we went with Richard an Janet to see the various places that we will be picking up the bride an bridesmaids, an the hotel where we will pick up the groom, an his groomsmen, also went to see where the church house was an took a tour of it.
After our orientation, the twins an I left, an went to KFC for some supper.
Tonight I called Sharon an enjoyed chatting with her for some time.
(Wednesday June 21st)
Today was church clean-up day at our church, Dishon went with us to help, Kevin from Aroba helped for an hour or so too, since we gave him transport from Kisumu to Nyakoko.
We had a good day, of hard work, the twins an some of the youth guys repaired the roof in the front of the church where the truck for the orphans food program backed into, Stacy an I did some painting, took water to the workers, an helped prepare lunch...after lunch we cleaned everything up again, I washed most of the dishes, an scrubbing those big cooking pots made me thankful for "lifetime cookware" that we have at home, that takes minimal cleaning!
My little man Andrew, who doesn't like me. or anybody, other then his mom an oldest sis 
After we were finished the three bros an I took one vehicle home, Dishon also came back with us, an we were going to drop him off at the clinic he works at, but then him an his fellow worker Kevin, said they needed a ride to go see a sick patient that was dying of uterus cancer, she is a 19 year old girl, but looks like an older lady, she has known of her cancer for 7 years now, an has been trying to make some funds, an save money to do the operation but never was able to get enough money for the $150 US dollar operation...sigh....does this mind blowing poverty ever end?
She had to sign some documents so that the Doc. could move ahead with her operation, since someone has consented to pay for her surgery of a hysterectomy.
After leaving the clinic, we went to town to pick up some chicken feed, an by the time we reached home, we were all so tired! We were just at home tonight, going to bed early.
Working here in the "kitchen."
(Thursday June 22nd)
Today I was cleaning one of the guest rooms from visitors, then I did the blog, after that there was more sewing to be done...I cut out the dress for the wedding in July, in the evening we all went to Joe an Glenda's house for unit prayer meeting, we sat around the campfire an sang an prayed, then afterwards had a little snack, it was a great evening, an a welcome change from the usual prayer meeting agenda.
(Friday June 23rd)
Today I did some sewing...yeah that's all I do these days.
then I decided to go with Dad to see a well project that was going on out at our church, they were fixing our well at we had lunch together at a little bean shack, an made the drive out to church, an when we got there they had finished already, so we only inspected it, then took the workers of the well, (Some of which are members at our church.) to the little ghost town of Masogo, we sat at Jared's (a Member) sewing shop where he sews school uniforms, an drank some soda, an ate some homemade fries that a lady was deep frying over an open fire, as we watched people milling about buying each others wears, as it was Masogo market day, there are all manor of fish, rice, green grams, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, shoes, clothes, an on, an was interesting to meet up with our church people at their local "Walmart" as they supported each other by buying from each other an selling to each other.
Cutting up the chicken for lunch...
We left again an headed for Kisumu...On our way home our car was having some problems, it would just shut off all of a sudden, an so the one time while we were in the passing lane passing a semi, with another semi coming head on, the car again just quite, nothing. and Dad struggled to get it steered over in the other lane just in time as the semi that was coming head on whizzed by, but just like that is started back up we breathed a sigh of relief, an drove on home, coming home just in time to leave again, we were invited out for supper with Joe an Glenda, and the youth, Marlins also went along. After we got back there was spike ball on the lane.
And so ended another week in Kenya, the place we have come to call home.
carrying things the way they do here...
For The Miller's

Trying to cut cabbage the way they do...while they laugh at me.

Stacy an I doing some painting...

The boys an Leonard working on repairing the roof...

Deciding how to fix the well...seems to take a lot of people to make a decision! ;)   

Scrubbing these awful cooking pots...

Grandfather taking a selfie...

Daniel one of our members brought his cow to get water at the well...

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Visitors Everywhere, Sour Kraut, An A Sleep-Over....

(Saturday June 10th)
Today we slept in except Dad an Mom who went to that funeral.
Richard an Janet an their two sons....
The twins were working around the compound...
I went swimming with my native friend Winnie an her niece Sarah as well as Rhoda, Stacy an her visiting cousin Kendra, (Who is presently serving as a school teacher in Nicaragua.) also came later for a swim.
I got back an made some mashed potatoes for supper, since we have this amazing thing called cream cheese ever since Calvin's came...thanks to amazing friends from home! We eat things from home almost reverently! not even joking!
Anyway, after that I ran to nakamatt to get some sausages, then I tried making some sour kraut, only I tried making it instant sour kraut, instead of letting it sour, I thought it was amazing, but everyone else was less then enthused, I think Wayne liked it, however Dad asked for more mashed potatoes instead...hahaha
Dishon was here for supper an for the night again.
I was tired so I went to bed early again...
(Sunday June 11th)
Today we all went to church early with Dad, since we don't have many extra vehicles, it makes it easier to all go early, an just stay while Dad has IC class...
Steve an his Masii friend David...this picture reminds me how much this culture has changed us, I'm pretty sure at home Steve would not have sat beside his friend with his arm around him like this...but that is so much like the culture here is....if you are their friend u stay close together when talking.
It was a very normal Sunday, I tried putting up the do-re-mi's in the shapes on the Sunday school room wall, getting my class to sing the scale with me...sigh...we sounded like a pack of wolves plagued with strep-throat to begin with, but eventually they all made the same sound of the note I was on, an I'm impressed with their progress.
Rhoda an I went for a long walk tonight...
Then most of us gathered on the lane for popcorn an spike ball...
Twas a nice day...
(Monday June 12th)
Today I did all the laundry...Then I went to my dentist for a check-up, she says I'll get to remove my braces soon! which I'm kinda happy about.
Then I went to the chemist to buy more ran different errands around town.
We were just at home tonight.
Stan welding...
Dad an Mom an I went to the lake tonight to watch the sunset an have a chat, it was a lovely kinda nice to have Dad an Mom all to myself! haha
(Tuesday June 13th)
Today I worked on the blog most of the day.
Dad an Mom were out visiting a lady from church that needed to be reproved.
The twins were doing some welding.
In the afternoon I did some baking...then some sewing.
In the evening I went on a walk on ring road
Tonight I made some ranch pretzels, with real gold rold pretzels from America, we had to evenly divide them in small bowls, so everyone had the "same" amount, the three boys guarding their bowls like a hungry dog! yes, foodie family would be a fair term...maybe even an understatement.
Dad an the boys were playing rook, I was sewing again... Mom was doing some spring cleaning in her bedroom an bathroom, while chatting with Sharon on the phone, an so was our evening at home tonight.
(Wednesday June 14th)
Today Dad an Mom went to the Bible Study.
Steve adjusting the piki tire...
The rest of us stayed home.
I did some sewing for a friend of mine...infact I sewed all day, basically remodeling one of her dresses...I was so discouraged with it all, that I was close to tears, an I don't cry alot. so yea, it was bad.
In the evening we had volleyball on the lane, since Stacy had visitors an there were other visitors here as well...I think there were like 15 girls an 4 guys, our little group of the usual 6-7 looked around in awe as we saw how good volley ball can actually be! our group has grown abit since Marlin's came to fill in while Joseph an Becky are on they add two youth girls, also, James an Christiana have two girls that arrived several weeks ago, so that's nice to have them around too.
But my brothers sigh alittle, since all us girls are having a blast, an there are not any guys around for them to have "guy times" with. especially with Dean Miller's leaving in several weeks...that means officially no boys even close to their ages....
After volleyball we had snack at Marlins.
(Thursday June 15th)
Welding a rack for someone...
Today we were scheduled to have unit payer meeting in the evening at our most of the day consisted of cleaning up, I think all of us were at home just doing various cleaning up projects around the house.
In the evening our masii friend David came, so the three bros an I took him out to KFC for supper, then got back just as prayer meeting started.
My friend Winnie also came for prayer meeting, an we had a sleep over...
I wasn't able to sleep well tonight at all, so I slept late the next morning.
(Friday June 16th)
With getting very little sleep, I felt worthless today, it was so maddening to be awake at 2am. an not being able to sleep...anyway, today I tried doing some sewing with very little success.
I somehow felt half sick all day...
In the evening I was feeling abit better, so I went walking with Carla an Kalita (Jame's girls) we had a wonderful time.
Wayne with our two ushers...or should I say side-kicks...haha
Tonight, we made supper since our friends Richard an Janet were coming over for supper an to make plans for their wedding...the twins an I are in the bridle party, Dad is preaching an Mom is making the wedding cake, so we all feel rather involved, maybe even more so then feels comfortable...especially the idea of bright yellow dresses, an royal blue shoes....unreal, like are you serious!?...anyway it will be an interesting day for sure!
We also had our Masii friend David was a good evening.
an so ends another blog post....
I'm thinking of doing something alittle different with my blog....I'm thinking of skipping the usual "journal" updates every-now-an-then an writing a life story of one of our members...their life stories are so interesting, the pain, hardship, rejection is so saddening to me, an also encouraging to me to see where they are the thought of sitting down an documenting their life story, an then sharing it with all of you, was an exciting thought to me, but what do you all think? let me know if you think this is a good idea, or something that you would enjoy! email me at:

Thanks for your interest, as we do life in Kenya,
For The Miller's

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Bible Study In Ng'ia, Uganda Trip Details And Pictures, Another Funeral....

(Saturday June 3rd)
Bible Study At Dean Miller's ...
Today we got back from our Uganda trip around 4am. so needless to say I dove into bed, an didn't regain conciseness till around 12:45pm. yeah. I was really tired! (I wanna tell a little bit about that trip later on, if I my blog post isn't too long otherwise.)
I didn't do a whole lot today other then unpack, an try to wash the red Ugandan dirt out of a white dress, an jacket. I have no idea why I wore my white dress the one day, a very unsmart thing to do!

In the evening we invited Joe an Glenda an Stacy an Rhoda to our house for pizza.
It was a great evening.
Stan an I randomly decided to go to church with Stacy, which is Jake an Janice's church.
(Sunday June 4th)
Miss Rhoda...
Today Stan an I went to church with Jakes family an Stacy.
We had a good time, an it was nice to be in another church for a change.
I really enjoyed choir practice they had afterwards.
We got home around 2pm. an the rest were not yet home, so Stan an I ate a quick lunch an retired to our naps.
In the evening us youth (which now only consist of my brothers an I, Stacy an Rhoda.) decided to go to the lake for Rhoda's birthday...I made pop corn. an Stacy brought some amazing pizza pockets, an bars an chia, we had a lovely time, however it was so cold, an we wrapped ourselves in laso's an blankets...then we look over an see two guys swimming in the lake, enjoying the big waves that the strong breeze was blowing in.
(Monday June 5th)
Today was not the best day ever...I wasn't able to sleep till around 5am. so I was pretty much worth nothing today...I felt sick, an stayed in bed most of the day.
In the evening Steve, (who was also not feeling well, an had been in bed the last two days too.) drove me down to the lake...we were both so sick of being in the house, so we just sat in our vehicle an enjoyed the view of the lake, chatting, an enjoying the refreshing breeze.
(Tuesday June 6th)
Today was really uneventful...
We were all just around home today....Dad was out an about.
The brothers an I went walking on ring road tonight for a while.
(Wednesday June 7th)
Today Dad an Mom went to Bible study...the rest of us stayed at home, mostly cooking, cleaning, an working on my blog...the boys were out working in the shop.
In the evening I met up with my friends Victor an Winnie, who are getting married in Dec.
We went to a local place that is very pretty, peaceful, an quiet, an just drank some amazing passion juice, an chatted for the longest time, it was a lovely evening.
(Thursday June 8th)
Today we were all around home...Dad was working in his office preparing to preach at a non-cbf funeral on Saturday, so he was in his study most of the day.
the boys were working on odd jobs...
Mom was cooking an sewing...I did some baking, an worked on the blog...then made a trip to town to pick up some things for so on.
We had our unit prayer meeting at Jakes tonight.
(Friday June 9th)
Dad an Mom went to the place where the funeral will be on Saturday...since they had to help get the body from the mortuary to the families house...which can be quite an experience with all the wailing an lamenting that goes on...they were there till late this evening.
Us youth all went out to Ng'ia where Deans live, an had Bible study out there, since their family is leaving in several months, after serving here for around 4-5years
We got back from Deans around 7:00pm. we had left around 1:30pm. so it wouldn't get as late, its about an hour drive out there, anyway we had a good discussion on relationships, an enjoyed Barbra Jeans good cooking.
We then had some spike ball from 8-10pm.
An that's about all that happened this week!
                                        ~Now For A Little Run Through About My Trip To Uganda~
The gate to our resort...
So Stacy an Rhoda had this whole Uganda trip planned out, an decided last minute that they were going to invite me too, actually the whole trip was rather last minute...but turned out to be as amazing as if we had taken months to plan every detail! it was just a really fun time...
Okay, so on Wednesday night we got Steve to drop us off at the bus station in Kisumu...around midnight, since that is when the bus was leaving, we got our tickets an waited several minutes till the bus arrived.
We couldn't believe that us three were actually doing this on our own, an felt kinda nervous, excited, an scared all at the same time...the bus finally came in, an surprisingly enough it was a big nice bus, an we had gotten first class seats, so we had nice big chairs that reclined, it was pretty amazing! so we got settled in, an tried to get some sleep...which is one thing I was alittle worried about, since getting my sleep is so vital for me, especially with just having had another seizure.
The view from our cabin...that is the Nile river.
Anyway, I think we all slept for a while off an on...I was amazed how the bus just glided over those awful speed bumps along the way! you could actually continue sleeping even though you went over them.
So around 3am. the lights inside the bus flicked off an on, an we were awakened, with, "At the border! At the border! get your passport, bus ticket, an yellow fever papers, an head to the building! hurry! hurry! more buses are coming, lets get through as fast as possible an get back on the road! hurry up!" okay, so I pulled myself from my warm blankets, an blindly grabbing for the needed paperwork.
 I was glad at that point that we had decided to all three of us only take a backpack, with all our belongings in it....although they were crazy heavy, it was nice to have everything in one place.
Anyway, it was 3am. an I was grabbing my wallet, my passport, an blindly stumbling out of my chair into the already packed bus aisle, I saw Rhoda an Stacy bounce down the stairs an out of sight, as I tried to bully my way through the other Kenyans, trying to get to the station before the rest.
The lodge dining area where we ate our meals...
We got in line, an soon were up at the desk, scanning finger prints, an doing all the nessicary paperwork, to allow us to enter Uganda. I stood in line, wondering if I was even okay, to wanna come on this trip, everyone in line looked like I felt...tired. I marveled at the people behind the counters....who even is at work at 3am. helping get all the paperwork through for this tired group of people!? I hope they get paid well! There were money changers everywhere... trying to get us to change our Kenyan money to Ugandan, thankfully we had already done that in Kisumu before we left.
We got back on the bus, as 3-4 more buses were coming in, an the line was already winding way out of the building an across the parking lot outside...we were so grateful that we were through, an on our way! We had been the first bus to come.
Our little cabin...
We got back on the way, an several more hours of around 5:30am. we hear, "Arriving at Jinga! passenger's for Jinga!?" we thought we were not going to be arriving till closer to 6-7am. so once again, Stacy said, "girls! this is it! get your stuff an lets go!"  I tried quickly tying up my blanket an pillow in a small bundle again, an slid into my shoes, grabbing my huge backpack, half falling, half stepping down the steep bus steps to the ground was still dark, an there were piki drivers everywhere, waiting with their motor bikes to take people to their destinations.....we tried telling the piki drivers which resort we were staying at, they seemed to know where we were talking of, so after getting a price that we thought was fair, we got on, my backpack was so heavy, it dug into my shoulders, an threatened to throw me off balance when I swung on the back of the motor bike...then we sped through the darkness, I had no idea where we were going...all I knew it was cold an dark, an I hoped these drivers knew where they were going...after about a 15-20min. ride we arrived at our resort, way back in, an paid our piki drivers.

Two boats floating on the Nile...
Everyone in the tiny, quiet, little resort was still sleeping, but soon three ladies came out, looking fresh out of bed, an blankets wrapped around them... an gave us our directions to our little cabin, overlooking the Nile river...we went trooping to our cabin with all our things...and I plopped my backpack at the foot of my bed, an climbed through my mosquito net, an under the blankets, an my world went dark! finally no more getting off, getting on, buses, piki's an border crossings...we were here!! Rhoda an I slept for several hours, till around 9-10am. Stacy was up an around checking everything out, an I think maybe went on a walk...? not sure what all she was doing...
Then we all, got ready an decided we had enough sleep, an that it was time to make the most of our 48hr. trip to Uganda! So first we went shopping, imagine that! we walked along the streets, buying all kinds of cool Ugandan things, feeling like the real tourists that we were! We found the Money very, very difficult to deal was so different then our Kenyan shillings, for a Ugandan dress, or a pair of flappy trousers, (Popular in Uganda) was like, 23,000 Uganda which would be around 700shillings Kenyan, an around 7-8 American was all confusing for a while, but Rhoda had remembered to print off a chart that gave the money rates, so that helped a lot!
Piki ride after piki ride, here there, an everywhere...
We then found this cute little coffee shop, where we ate our lunch, the food was amazing! an very much like coffee shop foods in America would be like, just with a different twist.
Going to town...
Street shopping...a painting booth....
After that we did some more shopping...then we went to check out the place we had reserved to go four wheeling at the next day, we got everything figured out there, making sure the plans were still in place, then headed back to our resort, we had to do all our traveling everywhere with piki-piki's so that was kinda cool, an we sure got our fill of motor bike rides! but sometimes it was hard to tell them where to go, when all we had was a name of the place we wanted to go to, but it usually ended up okay...except for the one time, when I was actually really worried...I don't know why this kind of stuff always happens to me...but we were going from the four wheeling place, back to our resort, an my piki guy, was puttering up a hill, suddenly his bike sputtered, an stopped! I got off, as he told me, an he had to lay the bike on its side for a while, since he was out of fuel! I saw the rest speeding on over the next hill an disappear, but I wasn't worried because I thought this guy knows where we are going...I sure didn't know! so finally he started the piki up again, an I got back on with my backpack an all my things I had bought that day, soon we found a small stand beside the road that was selling a few stray carrots an tomatoes, an thankfully they had an old plastic pop bottle with some fuel in it, so he bought that, an we were soon speeding down the winding dirt roads again, red dust everywhere! we kept going an going...finally I was like, where are the others?! we should be at the resort by now! Then we came to a tee in the road, an he looked at me an grunted pointed one way, then they other, all the while looking expectantly at me...I just stared blankly back at him, trying to look like the naïve, dehydrated, dust-covered tourist that I was...finally, I just threw both my hands up, since I didn't know what else to do, I figured throwing up both my hands is surely a cross-cultural sign, for "I have no idea" he started going down another road, very obviously looking for our resort an not finding it...all I could tell him was the name of our resort over an over, he probably thought I was making up a song about our vacation or something...I simply couldn't talk with him, he was an older man who didn't know English, I couldn't speak luo to him, an we both knew very little was devastating, an our conversation consisted mostly of me saying, the name of our resort then, "...but am not knowing the way..." an him decidedly saying "....oooohh....mmmm...yes." I think yes was the only English word he knew...because when your lost, "Yes" only goes that far.
The Café we ate lunch at....
So now it was thundering, an getting more windy an dusty, an looked like rain, an I had no idea where in God's great creation I was...I wondered if the other two girls had already reached our resort, an probably wondering where I was...I had short thoughts of...."What if I never see anyone I know again." or "what if he decided to kidnap me" or "if only my mom knew where I was right now" but soon we found a lady beside the road, an he stopped to ask her some directions, an thank Almighty Providence! she knew English! I could have given her a hug! so I told her the name of the place we were staying at, an she rambled a row in Ugandan to him, an pointed, this way an that way, an rambled some more...he seemed to get what she was saying, an soon we turned around an sped down another red dirt then a piki driver was coming from the other direction, an it was one of the other girls piki drivers...he pulled up, an didn't look too happy, an rambled a whole line to him pointing in the direction we were going, he clicked his tongue at him the way they do when they get upset, an shook his head, rambling more words to him, we sped off, arriving at the resort several minutes later! Thank God!
We were just at the resort that evening, enjoying a nice candle light supper, enjoying the sights of the Nile, the fishing boats, an fish leaping out of the water. It was a good evening.
We all slept very very well, tonight.
going four wheeling..
An woke up to a very yummy, warm, breakfast, of scrambled eggs, smokies, pancakes, an waffles! We had a feast!
Today is a bit of a blur to me as its been a little while back now....but of course the four wheeling was the main thing, it was so awesome, riding through villages, taking pictures with children, driving through fields, woods, an corn fields, an right down to the river! it was a 2 hour tour, so we enjoyed a lot of time spent there. Our tour guide was pretty awesome! he showed off some of his four wheeler riding skills, going airborne over bumps in the trail, an in an open field, he tipped his four-wheeler on one side an drove along on one side using only two was funny the look on his face when he turned around an saw us trying it too! he freaked out! telling us, No! that was only for him to do! haha okay then, whatever!
Stacy Byler...
After that we had to clean up an change, as we were covered in dirt, after changing we got back on piki's an went to a place called the "Source of the Nile" it is the point where Lake Victoria an The Nile River meet, so we took a boat ride out there....we had also done some more last minute since we had packed up all our stuff that morning, an just carried it with us all day, we now had everything with us, so with our over stuffed back packs, strapped to us, we left the Source, an headed to Java House in Jinga, where we all had supper, since we were so hungry! then we had several hours to wait till it was time to go to the bus station...we had a great time, an with being extremely tired an sun burnt, everything was terribly funny, an three girls together makes everything twice as funny, so all I remember is we laughed an laughed...I don't even remember about what, I just remember laughing till my sides ached! the Java house there had an amazing lounge area, with couches so we had a nice place to hang out, while waiting.
A random thing that happened was, I sitting there at Java looking out the window, when I suddenly see someone waving outside, an calling my name. here is was my dentist from Kisumu! I had no idea she was traveling to Uganda, an she didn't know I was going there, an here we accidently met up.
Stacy an I having a blast...
Anyway, we finally left for the bus station, giving the piki drivers the last of our Ugandan money, we arrived at the station, just to find out the bus was delayed a hour an a half...oh well! it was late anyway, so what's abit later going to hurt we waited an finally started the trip back home, in much the same manor as when we came, it was only I couldn't sleep, mostly due to the loud rap music playing most of the way....of course the border crossing half way through again...we had to pay to use the toilets there, then back on the bus, arriving in Kisumu around 3:30am. we grabbed our things, an got on motor bikes one last time, arriving at the compound tired, but happy! amazed at how amazing our trip was, it seemed every little thing we had wanted to do or see, we got done, an everything just went smoothly, we had taken just perfectly enough money along, an our plans just went great!
So anyway this Ugandan update got a lot longer then I had hoped for, but there you have it!
Our tour guide was pretty crazy guy! we laughed a lot...
Thanks To Stacy an Rhoda for getting it all together! I really enjoyed it.

For the Miller's   

Taking a break, an having some water...



Always children, everywhere you go...


Getting a cold drink, since we were basically coughing dust...

The Three Musketeer's

My pictures are not in order. This was taken later at the source of the Nile...

hiking back up to the road to catch 3 piki's ...

The boats, waiting to take us out to the Source...

This was finally back at Java house after running all day...we were tired!

But as always, cheese cake put us back into our right frame of mind...

Ugandan beauty....


Saying good-bye to our little cabin...

Back at the four those unflattering suits! I hated them!

But the memories made with these two step-sisters was so worth it all!!

Headed down the trails...

We stopped at some of the villages along the way....

Helmets are even worse then they seem...

Some where in our busy day, eating snacks on a park bench...Rhoda's look, an me laughing my brains out was basically our mood all afternoon. we had so much fun though!!

On the boat to see the Nile...

In the boat waiting for the driver to come...

The view on our way out...

YUM...Minty pine-aid at java!

The food was amazing!

The cheesecake was the best though, an a perfect ending to our trip...