Monday, 9 May 2016

More Of Daily Life, An Unit Meeting!

Our Family after 3 weeks of Classes. Still all in an upright position! PTL =)
(Saturday April 30th)
We all slept in, had brunch, an the usual Saturday morning routine...

Then by 11:00 a.m. I went with Carolyn, Stacy, and Charity to the animal market, to look over their items they had to sell, an to renew friendships, with the different vendors there, also I had ordered a little something or other that I wanted to have customized, an they said it should be finished in a week, I get there, an it wasn't started yet, they wanted to be sure of the exact size! lol welcome to Kenya, where they have so much time on their hands an then some! but never get things done in time.
Our entire group, along with our teacher
We all then did some shopping, an got back home by early afternoon, I then did some random things around home, an finished the blog.
JoAllen & Glenda an Tiffany they have  become like family to us!
After supper I didn't feel the best, an headed out for bed, an a shower, I wond up having a seizure just before I got into bed...It lasted several minutes according to mom, who was on her way into my bedroom to bring me something, when she heard the crash. but the Lord protected me, an I made it through alive once again, I felt dizzy, an confused, but that is usual. since then I have felt pretty tired, an kinda like a whipped puppy, but after several days of taking it easy I feel almost back to my normal self! Praise God! I was really hoping that that would be one part of my life that would just stay at home in America, but seemingly God still is allowing the seizures, so it is my duty to accept, an to love each day that he grants me without a seizure. And my heart is to just trust God that he has the best in mind for me, even if I don't understand what He's up to...

(Sunday May 1st)
Wayne an I stayed home from church as I was still feeling quite weak, from my last seizure.
I slept in good an long an felt like a new person when I woke up! =)
Wayne was the best nurse ever! he even made me eggs n toast, some of the best I ever ate! he seems to be a right smart good cook! we ended up going on a walk around noon, an the rest all got home from church around 2:30 -2:45 The twins had went with the rest of the compound youth to another church to visit, along with two native CBF youth guys, I was really sad that I couldn't go along, but so goes sometimes I guess.
So Dad & Mom an Linford & Kay were the only originals in our home church in Nykoko.

My Dear friend Stacy, an our teacher Josephine.
In the evening all the youth were invited to Linford & Kay for snacks an games, we had a great time hanging out, an Linford entertained us with his "Donald Duck" voice an different stunts, an Wayne also entertained us with various John Schmidt  sayings he had memorized. so all in all it was a lively great evening.
They had also invited Wayne because he will be with the youth in Aug. an also because they needed an even amount of players for their games they had planned.

(Monday May 2nd)
Had language till 1pm, as we will be taking a day off this week with the unit meeting on Tuesday.
Learning how to cook Luo Style!
so we are having classes an hour longer each day (8a.m.-1p.m.) to make up for the lost day.
Stacy getting things down pat!
So after classes we were working on laundry, an then finally ate a late lunch an rested abit. In the afternoon we folded laundry an put it away, Dad an Joe went to the last part of the pastors meeting, the Twins were helping to set up the big white tent in Waynes yard to host the bi-monthly missionary unit meeting, an Wayne mowed the lawn where the tent was going to be set up. it will be starting at 10a.m. an usually lasts till noon or shortly after,  an lastly to wrap up the day Dad, Stan, Wayne an I went on a walk an got different things to eat at the little road side shops, an talked with people, an practiced our Luo...I saw a sight tonight that really touched my heart, a little boy was sitting beside the street in the dirt, playing with a old crinkled water bottle, with a tooth pick stuck through the bottle just below the cap, an had a cap stuck on either end of the toothpick, with the back side of the water bottle dragging on the floor, an a long while later when we went back past, that little boy was still sitting there playing with his little toy "car", I couldn't help but think of all the children in the USA that have toy boxes jammed full, an are looking for other new toys to play with.
(Tuesday May 3rd)
Today was unit meeting.... an we didn't have any language class!! YIPPEE!
The unit meeting started at 10 a.m. an as the leaders all sat in a circle discussing different things of importance. Us younger ones had either our lap-tops, ipad, iphones ect. doing different things to pass the time, I got caught up on our blog, so that was nice.
Josephine making lunch for us all! Bless her heart! 
by 12:30 the meeting was adjourned. we all had a good lunch together again. Then us youth were off to play v-ball till about 4-5 p.m. then most of the youth left for home again, we did the dishes, an loafed around, drinking iced coffee, trying to decide what we wanted to do that evening for supper, some of the families went on a picnic, so we youth finally decided to go to Java House were we got "almost American" food which was great! we then went to the very top of the mall, were they have a nice setup, a huge pool, an nice tables an chairs, an some delectable milk shakes! we had a grand time hanging out, an enjoying the beautiful view of lake Victoria, but then it started to rain an it rained us out! so we went home, but we had a great time! We got home around 9:30 p.m.
Spreading out the food on the table. (seems Dad is getting kinda excited about eating!)
(Wednesday May 4th)
Today we had language class from 8-10 a.m. Then from 10-1 we had a cooking class an our teacher taught us how to cook some of the main dishes that the natives usually cook, that was all very interesting, an then eating it was of course, the best part! ;)
we were dismissed soon after 1:00.
Stacy doing the traditional hand washing before u eat, since u eat with ur hands!
In the afternoon we did random duties around home here, an then by 5:30 p.m. Dad an I along with Joe an Tiffany went on a walk through town, Tiffany was in the stroller an received a lot of attention, with her fair skin an curly blonde hair! she seemed to enjoy all the new sites, an even got to hold a tiny baby chick that I captured from a hen beside the road. we had a good time, we walked up to the first round about, an back, which is prolly around a mile. we like to go walking if nothing else is going on in the evening.
We all worked on our home work, an retired to bed early.
My Brave parents learning a new language at 50 years old!!
About 12:45a.m. we woke up to an alarms going off, an another robber had been spotted, this time he was at Dean And Mary Ellen's place, they woke up to their alarm going off, but the alarm was on a very quiet setting, so they turned it off, an went to check the door that the alarm signaled, Dean reported pulling the curtain back an being face to face with the robber! the robber didn't have any shirt on, (Maybe to blend in better with the inky black surroundings...?) an Dean just yelled out, "Git Out Of Here!" an as any obedient scared robber would, he found 5th gear in a right smart hurry, an went sailing over the gate slightly faster then the cameras showed him making his way into the compound. what a life! wow! I can't imagine...but at least our alarms helped out so that nothing was stolen this time.
Stanley hard at work! Talking is so fun, let alone in another language! =)
Also, before I fell asleep I heard our dog prince pacing along the front yard an gate, an growling an barking, which after I found out that there had been more robbers, it made me love our dog all the more! Prince! more chicken bones headed your way pronto! lol
(Thursday May 5th)
Today we had classes till 1 p.m. an then spent some time taking group pictures with our teacher Josephine, since Friday would be our last day with her, then we will be starting classes again on Monday morning an doing a three week session with Rosemary a native Mennonite lady.

The teacher trying to pound learning into our heads!
After class was over, Stacy an I went to the market an found this little tin hut, an I got them to do my hair in "corn rows" it was a really neat experience to sit there, it was sweltering hot, an several ladies coming to join us, just to visit, the Kenyans have SO much time on their hands, (not always a good thing.) anyway, they sat there talking about how they would want to go to America, an we tried telling them that they would not like America, but they just laughed, we had a good time visiting, while the lady was jerking around on my head, it hurt like crazy, an several times my eyes almost had some tears! I hollered out OUCH! THAT HURTS!! several times an those old ladies just bent over laughing, holding their stomachs, they thought it was so funny that I thought it hurt! I don't know what their scalps are made of, but something more thick then mine! that's sure! I kept asking them if I was bald by now!? Also, just a tip, if you are lacking in self image...please do NOT get your hair done in corn rows! I looked like a skinned porky pine! an when I got home I could not believe I spent $2 on looking totally horrible like that! I simply tried to avoid mirrors over the next several days, I had the braids in from Thur. - Sunday an the Luo's were Oh! so! impressed! they kept saying, "youw har is so smat!" ("Your hair look so smart.") anyway at least they liked it.
Welcome to class!
We got back home in the late afternoon, as we went walking around in town abit yet, then we got back in time to get ready for the weekly Thur. evening prayer meeting in the evening.

At unit meeting
I didn't go to prayer meeting, as I was just so tired, so I went to bed early, anyway, I was almost asleep when I feel something crawling up my arm! I immediately went into high panic mood, an then the thing, what ever it was decided to sample my arm!! it bite that is when things went into overdrive...just to discover that a very large beetle was coexisting with me! I promptly flushed it down the toilet, an needless to say sleep was far from me, as I tried to trust my bed sheets again! but I guess I had to remind myself again, that I do live in Kenya... an becoming a buffet for beetles, an other various creepy-crawlies should not put me out of commission like that! I might as well get used to it.
(Friday May 6th)
Had Language class till 1 p.m. Then came home an did various things around home.
Unit meeting

We were then invited to Joseph & Becky for supper, along with the single girls, Carolyn, Charity, an Stacy. As well as Linford & Kay. we had a fantabulous time! the youth had v-ball planned for after supper, but it rained like everything, an the electric went extinct, an needless to say v-ball was cancelled, an it was in the 60* terribly cold, anyway, so we all went to Marlins cozy house, an drank latte's an played card games, I went home early as I haven't been feeling so well since my last seizure, I bumped my head pretty hard when I fell, I discovered there is nothing soft about a concrete wall an tile flooring! an so a head ache, an much tiredness has my whole positive thing at the end of my last blog came to haunt me several times this week, how I said that it is our choice to make it a good week, or something like that, an now it was my turn to re-accept the whole seizure thing in my getting tired so quick is a trial too,
 but I know God has a reason for allowing this in my life an I want to respond, instead of reacting, to it like I so often do! keep praying for my health issues... I hope you all have a great week!
thanks for all your cards, emails, prayers an most of all your support!

For the Miller's
Got a card from my good friend Karen Kiem!

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