Hello Friends an family! from warm an sunny Kenya Africa!
Wow! what a trip!
we left for the Cincinnati airport around 9:30 an had one last lunch together with Dads brother Dave and family, Andre an Sharon an Angela, along with Kate Yoder an Jenn Bortregar two of my very good friends that volunteered to take me to the airport!
So our flight out of Cincinnati left around 4 p.m. so we flew for NJ which was about an hour an a half flight, all went smooth, an we boarded the next plane, after an hour layover in NJ for Amsterdam, that flight was 7 hr, I believe, we were all So tired an most of the family slept, in-be-tween interruptions from the flight attendants trying to serve their "card-boardy" meals, I think I could safely say that I got little, to no, sleep on Wednesday, of course, with flying through time changes I was never quite sure if it was in the morning or the evening...another thing I learned is that my former idea of what I thought was, "complimentary" was completely, an utterly incorrect! so they handed out these "complimentary" pillows which consist of several pieces of fabric sewn together with 2-3 cotton balls floating around in the depths!:( and the "complimentary blankets?" yep! you guessed it, I had goose-bumps all the way to Amsterdam! oh well! bless Deltas heart, its the thought that counts! :) we arrived in Amsterdam around 9:30 Thursday morning, we all looked, an felt, like zombies! an we had about an hour till our next flight left for Nairobi, an this plane was the biggest I had ever seen! it was a double decker, an basically filled to the brim...as we were in the LONG line to board the plane I suddenly realized that I had left my hair net, hair pins, an my veiling all on the other plane!! (No I wasn't wondering through the airport without a covering on.) but rather, I had my hood up, an that is how come I had forgotten it! well, there was no turning back I had to proceed with my coat hood for my covering! So we boarded the plane an I was determined to get some sleep, I was just falling asleep when I felt my self lurching like I usually do before a seizure, also I told mom that she should wake up dad that I think I'm gonna have a seizure...and that is one of the last things I remember, an I had a mild seizure on the plane, but, all's well that ends well I guess, I feel ok, other then being really sore an having smashed up my one knee.
so we got to Nairobi around 9:30 p.m. an Tommy an Margi Wagler along with their two youngest (Chris and Miria) where there at the airport to pick us up. we drove several minutes to a very nice guest house there in Nairobi, where we all slept very good from 12 to 6-7 in the morning.
the next morning we left the guest house at 9, an started our long drive from Nairobi to Kisumu, which is about 5 an a half to 6 hour drive, the roads where actually all paved, one thing to get used to is that the driver sits on the right side of the vehicle, an they drive on the left side of the road. and
Youth Volley ball |
other then weaving in an out through traffic, an keeping out a sharp eye for stray donkeys, cattle, and sheep, and even sometimes people. we had very good travels. about half way we stopped for lunch at the Java house, which they say is a fairly Americanized restaurant with sandwiches an chips(fries) milk shakes an lattes an coffee, so that was nice, so far it seemed like we were in wealthy Nairobi, where Mercedes vehicles are surprisingly common, an things seem fairly westernized, but I'm sure, and Margi told us that the church where we will be attending, an where Dad will be the pastor, is one of the more remote churches so we wont always have good food, and sanitary water closets I'm sure! living back here in Kisumu with the Lou tribe we will not always have it as modernized as we did today.
Supper on the front porch |
also along the way, We Got to See wild Zebra, monkey's, an Impala beside the road as we sucked on the passion fruit that Tommy's introduced to us, along with star fruit, plums, finger bananas
Our home In Kenya! |
Our Back yard |
an sugar cane still in the stalk form. yummy!
we got to the compound at around 4:30 an Marlin an his wife an dau
Monkey eating passion fruit
ghter showed us around the house that used to be theirs for the last 4 years.
Dad an Tommy |
they all helped each other bring in supper, which was so nice after just getting there, an boxes sitting all around with things that need unpacking! so we unpacked a little, an then we ate supper on our front porch, as a tropical storm blew in an it actually rained some, an cooled off nicely for the youth to have several great games of vball yet!
the guest house we stayed at in Nairobi
well, it is late so i'll leave it at this for this time!
thanks for your prayers for our family!
waiting at the airport! All excited!! |
continue to pray!
It's good to hear about your world travels, brings lots of memories flooding back. The food sounds nice! Enjoy some passion fruit and munch some cane for me too!