Good Evening Dear People, 9.3.17
Stacy an I helping at the Lela clothing sale |
This is a Sunday evening, when I realize that my blog update has never made it out this week...sigh! But since my nap this afternoon was quite extended I feel very little sleepiness, so why not get this out of the way...
Today Dad was preaching at Oroba, the neighboring church to our church.
We had a lovely time there, I always enjoy going there since I know more people from Oroba church, an a lot of the members there have some kind of family ties with people from our church, so it feels more like an extension of our own church.
We had a good Sunday, our family sang two songs before the message, then Dad preached about "13 steps to Victorious Living".
After the service Joseph an Becky had us at their house for a delicious lunch, Rhoda was also there since she goes to church with Joseph an Becky, an my brothers were she glad she was there since she made some yummy cupcake cheesecakes, they couldn't get over the fact how good they were, an were still talking about it Sunday night at our farewell supper.
Which leads me to the next topic, tonight we had a farewell for Loren Kueper's from Kansas who were here for the past 6weeks to officiate at Jakes church while Jakes were on furlough in America.
We greatly enjoyed having them here, along with their daughter Tonya.
The ladies looking through the things to buy... |
On Saturday all the ladies went to Java house for lunch as a small farewell effort for Loren's wife Grace an their daughter Tonya, while all the men went to a Kenyan restaurant to eat their "Last supper" with Lorne there. I haven't written much about them when they came an all, sorry for that, sometimes so many people come an go through our compound that I don't always get to write about them, an to add a picture so that all you older people can run to your "red book" an see if you might have met them at your great grandmothers funeral one time. haha anyway i'll try to do better, but often about the time I get all their names down pat they move on, or go home. A part of mission life I guess.
As for Elections, I'm sure most of you know alittle about the elections, or maybe you know a lot about them...either way here is to a little update of what happened in the last week....
So Like I had said earlier the opposing party were certain the elections were rigged, an thus after the election announcement was made with Uhura proclaiming himself the winner, Raila took the whole thing to court to let them decide, an this past Friday the court announced their verdict.
A busy day for a young family... |
They said that the election had irregularities an that the past election is void, an reelection is scheduled for casting votes again over the next 60 days. sigh....seems this election drama is just dragging out so long, with days when we cant go out an have to stay inside the compound, I think we are all just ready to have this election over with, an whatever brings peace...when the announcement was made within minutes of the breaking news announcement, we heard yelling an screaming as the luo people in Kisumu here went absolutely crazy, I clambered up on our roof to see if I could see anything of I saw old mama's running in the street blowing on whistles, motor bikes driving along just holding the horn in for a long loud screech! people were beside themselves with the announcement!
And while I'm thinking about it, I have been wanting to share a song with you all that us youth randomly wrote at a youth night...we came together to practice songs an ended up writing a song about the elections, this song was written right after the announcement had come out that Uhura had won, an the Luo people were rioting in anger.
We took the song "The Battle Belongs To The Lord" an sang it to that tune, only changing the words to fit our present circumstances, I know some of you have already read this song on other peoples blogs from our compound here, but my people have not read it yet so here goes: a lot of the wording is the way the Kenyans talk, an we made sure we sang it with their accent too! haha it was fun!
Raila has lost, now Uhuru's just there
The battle belongs to the Lord.
The Luos are raging, they think it's not fair
The battle belongs to the Lord.
= Chorus =
And we sing Glory, Honor, Power and Strength to the Lord.
We sing Glory, Honor, Power an Strength to the Lord.
The power is gone, wifi now is onge
The battle belongs to the Lord.
The natives are calling the pastors each day
The battle belongs to the Lord.
When the gunshots an tear gas resound, do not fear
The battle belongs to the Lord.
Don't worry, Mzungu, Fires disappear
The battle belongs to the Lord.
*Onge (gone, or not there.) **Mzungu (White People)
Tiffany helping Daddy... |
Something else I had done recently was help Joe an Glenda at Lela church have their annual clothing sale, I have a few pictures of that.
I also have some pictures of a youth seminar we had at Oroba church, it was a fun day of messages an good food, an volley ball.
One Sunday night my little click or Victor, Winnie, an I went to tour an old house an radio station, that was a lot of fun, an it was right by a beautiful part of the lake which made it even more spectacular.
Also I got to help my friend Victor mud his house, as he is getting ready to be Married sometime in Dec.
The last several weeks have been packed with good experiences an just small things that remind me over an over how much I love living life here in Kenya! I feel so privilege that God called us to such a friendly people as the people of Kenya.
Working on mudding Victor's house... |
I will let the pictures tell you the rest of the story!
Until next time!
We love you all!
For The Miller's
Something I found interesting this past week; I invited two girls from my church to come for a sleepover, an the one who is around 18 years old was perplexed at seeing a cucumber, saying she had only seen pictures in books of cucumbers but had never tasted one, she promptly ate a slice an shuddered all over realizing that she hadn't been missing out on a good tasting vegetable! haha
Another interesting thing was, a 22yr old friend of mine ask me what the thing was in our car that was hanging on the AC vent on the dash, I explained that is was a car freshener...sometimes I marvel, an other times I marvel even more at how our worlds are worlds apart!
The tour guide starting his tour... |
A small child at the mudding... |
Victor busy keeping everyone else busy... |
Victors sister-in-law pumping water for cooking... |
My friend Stacy having fun mudding... |
Two of my little buddies that day... |
Kaylita getting a real Kenyan experience... |
This picture was taken especially for Charity an Karen.....Tim Hortons, an good memories! HA! |
This is "my daughter" as I call her. her name is Abigail. I love her so much! |
Working hard... |
Here is my friend Sarah, I am working on taking out her corn-row braids... |
My friend Rhoda Wengard giving a program for the church, with her Sunday school class... |
Dad preaching at Oroba this last Sunday... |
Mom teaching a segregated session for the girls at the youth seminar... |
Stanley doing a Bible trivia game at the youth seminar... |
He really enjoyed his assignment! haha... |
At the youth seminar...our Nyakoko youth giving a program... |
Our youth, not all are members as you can see... |
Oroba youth gave a program as well... |
This is another picture from our tour we took... |
Victor scouting out the area... |
My family away from these dear humans! |
Touring the radio station was so cool... |
The guy was on air when we came, so we had to be quiet, but afterwards he then showed us how everything was operating, it was interesting, he said he usually moderates the Christian station from 6-7pm Sunday nights. |
"The Crubbers" as we call ourselves... |