(Saturday June 24th)
I am feeling alittle blue about this post...I lost all my pictures from this last week that I wanted to add to this post, plus my journal is not current, so this will be a little randomness thrown together into a post.
Today Mom an I made breakfast for the rest, then we went on a little Mother Daughter shopping venture...It was a good time! And we ate out at our favorite Kenyan restaurant which made us happy.
We were just at home in the evening, we had supper, an Dishon washed vehicles, an then joined us for supper, staying overnight again.
(Sunday June 25th)
Today Aroba youth had invited, Rabour, an Nyakoko youth to join them for Sunday services, so that was interesting, we had youth Sunday school together, then after church they had lunch for the youth, it was a fun day, an seeing all my friends again was the best, I took some banana bread along for some of them...an to see their faces light up about it was the best feeling ever! In Kenya friendship=Banana bread, they love that stuff like really much!! haha
(Monday June 26th)
Today I worked on the blog...Then I took the dress down to the sewing ladies to have Pamela help me sew the skirt since it is a two layer skirt that I had no idea how to put together, that took up most of my afternoon. But I knew I needed to get it done since the wedding is the 22nd of this month.
(Tuesday June 27th)
Today we were mostly just at home getting things ready for supper, Marlins family were coming since we had not had them over since they came to fill in for Joseph an Becky who are on furlough.
Mom was gone most of the forenoon, helping to move the furniture an things from Deans house into the compound, then we cleaned an made food in the afternoon, I grilled some chicken for supper.
We had a nice time with them, an are sad to see them go back to the states in several weeks.
(Wednesday June 28th)
Today Stacy an I went to A Bible study of one of Kajulu's members Pamela, but she wanted to invite us to her home, an it was a two hour drive from Kisumu, so we had to take two vehicles, an load all the members in that wanted to go, Marlin drove a van, an Stacy took a small crossover vehicle, filled to the brim with people.
We had a good day, an makes me so sad I lost all the pictures of that day!
They made a feast! they had, Ugali, rice, fish, beef dry, beef stew, intestine soup, chapattis, cooked cabbage, an on an on, then after we finished eating, they brought chia an mondazies....we were stuffed to the gills!
Bible study went great, Marlin of course teaching, then we started our long drive back home.
It was a long tiring day, but it was a lot of fun too.
(Thursday June 29th)
Today was an unusual day for us, we woke up to rain pattering on the roof, an it was COLD! I felt like staying in my warm bed all day! but then again we are just spoiled rotten, with always waking up to beautiful mornings with the sun shining brightly.
Today our family all went in to a clinic to get our blood types taken, I just hate needles an the prick hurt like it always does...cringe!
This evening, we had prayer meeting at Marlins, it was a good evening, an the singing somehow was exceptionally good.
(Friday June 30th)
Today one of our youth guys had a playing match with another school, in volleyball an soccer, so we went to watch an cheer for the Ahero team, it was a fun day, of meeting all his friends, an climbing into his world of school, an sports, an his friends.
tonight Brian's An James's had a ice cream party for the compound in a way of saying thanks for all the snacks they received during language classes, when they would have their 10am. break.
After the snack there was some volley ball, then because of more rain an cold weather we all went home around 9:45pm.
Tonight I found a little kitten, it was so fluffy an cute, I didn't even know I liked kitten's, but this one somehow just melted my heart into a little puddle, so I put it inside my coat while I was outside watching the rest play volley ball, then I brought it home, tried giving it some milk, an stuff it into the shower, much to its dismay, I gave it a bath, wrapped it in a towel to dry off, then jumped into bed with it, it was so cute, an its purring sound was kinda neat! the only problem was it thought the perfect place to sleep was right under my chin against my neck, an that was okay for a bit...but I fell asleep, an awoke with a start freaking out about this fur ball right by my head, an it felt like I couldn't breath! so I tried placing it away from my head several times, but nope, it would come over top of the pillows an right back where it had been, it was such a tiny little thing, that I was petrified I would somehow lay on it an smother it to its grave, so I gently placed it on a pillow beside my bed, wrapped in a blanket, where it slept, till around 7am. when I was rudely awakened by a scratching, clawing noise! I open my eyes a peek, an here the fluffy little thing was clawing its way up the side of my bed, only its head peeping over the side of my bed, was about the sweetest thing I've seen in a while, then next thing it leap into my bed, but I wasn't finished with my sleep since it was Saturday, so I took her outside....an I think I'll leave her there for a while.
I honestly don't even know what possessed me to bring that kitten into the house, but it was so cute, an the way it lapped at the milk, an chased my ear buds around as I was untangling them was just the cutest, I did loose sleep though to...not again...or not anytime soon, will a kitten join me in my slumbers.
So that is about all I remember of this week...
Hope I'll have a more interesting post next time...I want to see if I can put some pics from my phone to the post, but this old laptop can be kinda ridiculous about such things sometimes.
Have a wonderful good week!
For The Miller's