Tuesday, 23 May 2017

An Anniversary, A Marriage Seminar, And Sickness...

(Saturday May 13th)
Today was a relaxed day...we all slept in late, except for Dad who almost always rises at the unrighteous hour of 6:30am. he went to he lake for some quiet time.
When the rest of us got up, we did some chores around home...then at 12 noon I went to join the rest of the girls at the pool...we had a great time, especially with Charlene from Pa, going along as well, she is here to help Brian's over the time of language classes.
I got home from the pool around 3:30pm.
Mom an I made supper grilling some hot dogs over a fire, an with the chilly evening it felt good to sit around the small fire.
After Dishon completed washing his vehicles, he also joined us for supper...then we sang some songs together, an Since we were going to Dean Miller's church in the morning, an Dishon was planning to go there too, an remain there with his family several days, he just stayed over night at our house, then went with us to church the following day.
(Sunday May 14th)
Today our family along with James And Christian went to Ugunja CBF church were Dean Miller's family is currently pastoring, but training James's in since they will be heading for home in Arkansas in several weeks, Dean's family has served here in Kenya for about 5 years now...
So anyway, with the pastor rotation schedule it was Dads turn to preach there, so we were there with Dishon, an of course along with James's an Dean's family.
Dad preached about David an Goliath, an how that with Gods help we can overcome any obstacle in life. one of his quotes, "The Israelites saw Goliath as too big to conquer, but David saw Goliath as too big to miss." Life is mostly about perspective, an Attitude.

We then had lunch at Dean Miller's .....it was late till we left there, then we went to see Dishons new house that he built in his homeland, were he plans to escape to over the violent election times.
(Monday May 15th)
Today I was sick in bed all day...vomiting, an aching all over, an a severe headache.
So mom was left with the laundry.
Dad went to pastors meeting along with the other pastors, today they made the drive out to where Dean miller's family live, an had their pastors meeting there today, to give Dean a break from the hour some drive he makes every Monday to Kisumu.
In the evening Dishon was here for supper, an was excited as he found out he passed his exams for becoming a professional Doc.
So that was exciting for him.
(Tuesday May 16th)
Today I was just here at home....I was still feeling weak.
I cut out one dress, an then rested again...
In the evening all us youth along with our youth leaders Joe an Glenda, took Carolyn out for a farewell supper, Rhoda also came joining us later with her two siblings Reuben an Rachel.
We had a lovely evening an very good American like food.
(Wednesday May 17th)
Today Dad an Mom went to Bible Study...
The boys were doing odd jobs around home.
I was cooking for the bros, an doing some baking....I then went to Mama Kays shop to practice luo again, I had a good time with her an some of her children that were coming home from school.
We were just at home in the evening....
(Thursday May 18th)
Today I was once again just cleaning around home. Mom was sewing.
I tried working on the blog with out much success, the electric was of an on.
I did some laundry.
In the evening we had our unit prayer meeting at Wayne an Clara Yoder.
We sang in the dark at times as the power flicked off an on again.
It was a chilly rainy evening tonight.
(Friday May 19th)
Today Dad an mom went to some marriage seminar that Jakes church was having, Mom was having a topic there for the ladies...
The rest of us were just at home, Steve was feeling sick today, after he finished welding in the hot scorching sun for several hours. I think he overheated, since he said he felt like puking.
In the evening since Carolyn is now gone, an Rhoda was at the Mara with her visitors, our already small youth group was even smaller, so we just had spike ball on the lane, an a snack afterwards...Kori from Nakuru was here, an we ended up having a really good evening, with a lot of laughter, an a lot of laughter is the same as a really good time for me! haha
And so ended another very usual week in Kenya.
I don't have any pictures for this blog post, sorry!
And with Calvin's coming to visit, I'm guessing the next post or two might come in abit late...I just want to enjoy every minute I can with Calvin's on their brief stay with us...we are so honored that they would come all the way over here to see us, an to allow us to show them our little life here.
Anyway, have a good rest of the week.
For The Miller's

Monday, 22 May 2017

A Graduation, A Farewell, And The School Picnic!

(Saturday May 6th)
Today Dad went to Nyakoko to take a very sick widow to the hospital, he was gone most of the day.
Our New Ride
We did some cleaning an I walked to nakamatt to get some things to make pizza with for our supper.
Dishon was here for supper once more.
(Sunday May 7th)
Today Dad an Mom along with Wayne left early an went to IC class.
Wayne has now joined IC class so Dad gets to instruct his own son, along with some other youth, some young married, some widows, some widowers, an old, old, grandfathers all together.
Dad an Stan had children's class, an a Bible story for all the orphan children that come to church.
Then Dad had a message on obedience to Christ, an the church.
The three bros went home an put some left over pizza in the oven for lunch, an after we drove some people home from church, we also came back to the compound.
After lunch we all retired to our naps...
In the evening Dad an Mom went to the lake to see the sunset.
Some of us played spike ball on the lane.
Wayne And Clara Yoder
(Monday May 8th)
Today I did all our laundry, an Mom an I were just working around home here...
Steve was busy getting some vehicles serviced.
Dad was at pastors meeting most of the day.
We were just at home in the evening...
(Tuesday May 9th)
Today I went with my friend Winnie to take some bank slip to her sisters school, which is about an hour from Kisumu, we had a great time traveling there together.
unfortunately, the principle didn't allow us to see her sister faith who was doing some exams...so after paying for school fees we left again.
traveling back, we ate lunch together, then I dropped her off at her work place again.
It was a good day, an I enjoyed the experience...
(Wednesday May 10th)
Sack races
Today Dad an Mom went to Bible Study...the boys were working around the compound...welding...painting...all kinds of stuff.
I was cleaning most of the day.
In the evening I went for some luo classes at my friend Mamma Kays hair braiding shop.
Then I also went walking on ring road.
It was a good evening, with perfect temps.
(Thursday May 11th)
Today our whole family was working around home...
Prayer meeting at our house was cancelled because of the school program at our house tomorrow evening.
So George our gardener was busy trimming our hedges, cleaning the flower beds, an getting things looking good outside.
Steve was painting our gate, Wayne was power washing off all the porches...and I was helping mom clean inside, Mom was doing some cooking for Friday.
Strong teeth, an a good sense of balance
Dad was in his office.
In the afternoon I went with Janice an her two little girls to show them were the best fabric shops are, she wanted to buy her girls some fabric, as well as some for gifts.
We were just at home in the evening...
(Friday May 12th)
Today was the last day of school! So we set up a tent at our house, for the school program an supper...So at 1pm. all the school children came to our house for story time with "baba" as everyone calls my Dad.
How can some people make things like this looks so easy?
Then after that, we all went over to Jakes house (Families included) an there, Jake split us all into 4 groups, an we had a mammoth treasure hunt, with the "prize" being the last stop at Nakamatt were the men had to buy each of the women an girls a rose, then see who could be back at again at Jakes house first. my group wasn't the first, but we had a lot of fun along the way...
After that they had sack races, an balancing a water balloon on a spoon held in their mouth, an eating watermelon with out using their hands, an all kinds of cool stuff like that.
Shonda! you go!
Then the school children all went home to clean up, for the last part of the day. The school program. After the program. we also had a farewell for Carolyn, one of the school teachers, as well as, a graduation party for Weston Miller, as he has now graduated from high school.
Then of course we had supper together, with lots of yummy food, an cake, an even banana splits.
After supper we youth played some volley ball, an also some spike ball.
And that's about all that happened that week...sorry I feel like I'm just writing down the bare necessities an not adding some stories of things that happen to make it interesting...sorry! my writing mood will hopefully return again one of these days.

Was always taught to eat politely, unless its relay races on the last day of school of course 


A snake killed on the road, my brothers stopped to watch the killing...

At the school program

Our little school here in Kisumu

Miss Carolyn an her class

Miss Rhoda an her class

Good Job Brad!

Dad handing out certificates

Special certificate for memorizing the whole years memory verses in 3 months

Weston receiving his high school diploma

Weston giving a speech...

Supper was served in our car port

A special table for Weston

Stacy made this cute African themed cake for Weston's Graduation

Mom had different signs like this scattered through out

Waiting on supper

This little guy with "Baba"

Rhoda, an her siblings Reuben, an Rachel

Congratulations Weston!!

Good-Bye Carolyn, We will miss you here...

Blessings on each of your week! Lets stand together in prayer, against the enemy...
For The Miller's

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Chickens Die, Thieves Check Our Doors, Unit Meeting And Orientation

(Saturday April 29th)
Unit meeting Thursday evening...
Today the youth girls had planned to go swimming but we woke up to cold rainy weather, it seemed like a chilly, fall day back home!
Needless to say the swimming was cancelled an we slept in, staying in our warm beds as long as possible....then we had a late brunch.
In the afternoon I took Wayne to town to buy some shoes.
Then late afternoon to evening my friend Winnie was on a visit to the compound, an then, when the visit was over I drove her home, I was at her house for a while talking, drinking chia, an enjoying being with Faith her sister before she returns back to school.
(Sunday April 30th)
Today we all went to church early with Dad, an we really enjoyed our new vehicle, thanks to the mission for allowing us to buy another one after the other engine was ruined.
We picked up Dishon at Rabour church, as he wanted to go with us, Dad had IC class...we also had two visiting youth guys from Aroba church, Rodgers, an Felix come to visit, so Felix had devotions, an Dishon ended up preaching for us, so dad got a little break for once.
We got back home, had our lunch, an retired to our naps...it was cold an rainy again this evening...we were just around home, an ended up going to bed early...since the dreaded chicken butchering was scheduled for 6am. the next morning.
(Monday May 1st)
Merl Beachy Sharing the story how his son was almost killed while they lived in Kenya.
Happy May everyone!
Today started with a crash at 5am. for my brother Steve...then it was off to the place where butchering was held at, to set everything up, so things were ready to start butchering at 6am. when everyone else came to help with the task of butchering 200+ chickens!
This time Mom an I were on to make breakfast, so our morning consisted of cleaning up the house from the weekend, an making food for all the hungry people after butchering was over with.
We had biscuits an sausage gravy with scrambled eggs, then fruit an dessert was brought by others.
The butchering finally finished at 11am. everyone ate, then we cleaned up an did dishes till around 1pm. then the day was almost shot already, so we took short naps....And in the later afternoon I went with my friend Winnie to buy fabric at the Muslim fabric shops, she wanted to buy some fabric, an also needed to buy some school things for her sisters. Then I took her home, it was a good afternoon an evening....an so concluded another Monday.
(Tuesday May 2nd)
Today I did all our laundry...Mom was sewing most of the day. 
Orientation morning..
Dad was out with some of our church people, various church issues summoned him for a day of visiting, rebuking, an encouraging.
In the afternoon I worked on the blog some...
Then Wycliffe a youth guy from Rabour an his sister Sue came to visit us, staying the rest of the afternoon, an for supper....so everything else was on hold, an that is okay, we are learning to be flexible when visitors arrive.
In the evening Dad an Mom an the three boys with most of the rest of the compound went to Josephs to see some slides, an videos of last time election riots in Kenya.
I decided to stay at home an work on the blog some more.
That evening, Some thieves decided it was time to check out our compound again...They climbed in over our hedge row, where a section of the bushes died after a car crashed into them, then they pulled one of Brian's chairs from their porch so the exit with the "goodies" could be more successful.
Story time with the children before the message on Sunday.
They then went to a house on the compound where some Kenyans are living in, an found a window unlocked, an broke the glass an entered, an while the family slept they took the TV, an anything else that suited their fancy, even some trousers an shirts were scattered around outside, where they were looking for anything of value.
Everyone else was sleeping in the compound, even the guard grew tired of his watch, an with his door to his little guard shack almost closed an the radio playing he didn't hear hardly anything!
Then after a robber climbed several of the poles where we had camera's on, an bent the camera's down to the ground, so as not to be caught in the act, they continued to Wayne's house, Wayne woke up to the back door alarm going off, then the front door alarm went off soon after, an so he jumped out of bed, an pulled aside the curtain in the dining room, where the window is facing the front door, an there is a man, in only his trousers, fingering his front door, inspecting the wire meshing, an seeing his best way of entering, he never saw Wayne watching him look at his door, but Wayne went an started their security alarm, an got dressed an by the time they were outside, everyone was gone, an the thieves jumped the hedge row, an left with their goodies...we thank God that it wasn't worse, an feel sorry for our neighbors that got targeted this time, we know how unsettling it is!
Our family was really proud of our dog, he was going crazy out in our yard, barking an raising the biggest fuss, then soon after we heard Wayne's alarm go off. So we are glad for the security that a big dog brings to our compound.
It wouldn't be Dad if it wouldn't be a "dramatized" story! haha
It was also a good reminder to keep things locked tight at night.
(Wednesday May 3rd)
Today Dad an Mom went to Bible study like usual...The rest of us were just at home, doing our jobs.
Dad an Mom got back late, so we were just at home...in the evening we all packed our bags an were busy getting ready to leave for Nakuru in the morning.
(Thursday May 4th)
This morning all the missionaries in the Kisumu compound packed up an made the long trek to Nakuru for the bi-monthly unit meeting, as well as orientation the following day, for three new families that have arrived, two of which are from our compound, Brian Mast's an James Barkmen's.
Jonny Zook's from Greenville are the new family in Nakuru, an with his brother Tony Zook working for CAM an living fairly close, I'm sure they will enjoy "Family times," that most of us only dream of having.
We reached Nakuru around noon, an made a KFC/Java House stop for lunch, then headed on out to the compound.
It was really nice to leave later in the day instead of 5:30am. for Nakuru how we usually do.
We started our meeting around 1:30pm an it lasted till around 5pm.
Then we had supper, an after supper us youth went to the CAM warehouse an played volleyball.
It was a good long day.
Hanging out with my friend Winnie...
(Friday May 5th)
This morning the breakfast was at 7am.
An then the topics for orientation. there were four topics. shared by four different brothers.
We dismissed around 1pm. we had lunch, an most left shortly afterwards, arriving home around dark, an just in time to unpack an go to bed early.
An so was another week that flew by in a flurry...an who can believe that it has been 15 months now since we saw home an family!? time flies when your having fun I guess...
Anyway, I hope you all have a good week.
Choose joy, choose happiness, the negative happens by default.
For The Miller's


George trimming our hedge row...

Wayne power washing the porches...

Monday, 8 May 2017

A Visit To The Orphanage, Annual Youth Meetings, Locked Into A Pharmacy!

(Saturday April 22nd)
Bishop Eric translating for pastor Dean Miller from Arkansas...at youth meetings 
Today I took two of Mark Webb's daughters, April an Audrey shopping in Kisumu, usually our social worker Stacy does that, but she was gone today so Rissa an I took them shopping, then we took them to the orphanage over lunch time to help feed the babies there...that was so much fun again...I always get such a sad lonely ache in my heart seeing those perfect little babies that someone rejected! It makes me want to take all my money that I have an start an orphanage too! Even as I type that out I know it sounds totally irrational, an it probably is...but dreaming never hurt anyone.
Anyway, after that we went back to the compound, over lunch time, then in the afternoon I again took them out, I took them to the fabric stores, an also to an interesting market, we had fun exploring, an even had some interesting cultural experiences, an that always makes me happy!
On the other hand, Dad an mom were out with some of our church people remudding the small storage house that we store our church things in...the mud walls were cracking, an falling apart, so they mixed water, mud, an manure an filled in the big cracks along the mud wall on the outside.
Youth meetings at Kajulu CBF church
In the evening, Richard an Janet came for supper...they are good friends of ours, an I have frequently mentioned them in my posts...as the ex-Muslim converts, they have been convicted of living together, an not being married, so Richard has been paying the promised dowry to Janet's Father, an brought them a cow, as part of the payment...be that as it may, they now have a July wedding planned, an want Dad to have the message...an all of us children will be in the bridle party, I cant imagine how it will all go...since this will be an all out Kenyan wedding, not conducted by CBF.
But I'm excited about it anyway, I'm sure you will be hearing more about this wedding, once I have pictures an stories to fill you in on...
(Sunday April 23rd)
As you can see in this picture, there are not many CBF youth girls
Today I was sick an ended up staying home from church...
After the rest got home from church they went to meet Richard an his 5 other groomsmen to be measures for the suits for the wedding...they said it was quite interesting, trying to get suits for 8 groomsmen, the bridle party will be a small army with 8 guys an 8 girls an the couple, but the best part was, when my brothers came home, looking more then alittle shocked, saying, "Sylvia, the suits are bright blue!" all I could do was laugh...welcome to Kenya anyway, where "the brighter the better" is most peoples clothing go-to-style.
In the evening everyone went to Joe an Glenda's house for a unit activity, Merl Beachy an his wife Sue are visiting Kenya after having served here many years ago, while they were serving in Kenya they served many, many years, an know the culture an people so very well.
So even though I wasn't able to go to the activity, I heard Merl gave a topic, then of course the usual Mennonite style, food an fellowship followed.

Hearing the truth
(Monday April 24th )
Today I woke up feeling some better but still weak.
however, we did have the Mark Webb family, as well as, Merl an his wife Sue over for lunch.
So my morning consisted of cleaning up around home here, while mom did most of the cooking.
Dad was at pastors meeting all day.
I sewed basically the rest of the afternoon...In the evening some of us played spike ball on the lane.
(Tuesday April 25th)
Today was the annual youth meetings...they were being held at Kajulu CBF church...it was a good day with obviously a lot of youth there, I so much enjoyed seeing a lot of my friends whom I had not seen for several months.
An of course the Kenyan lunch was a highlight for me...good ugali, beef, skuma, an rice was all part of the yumminess...its crazy how I now crave Kenyan food. Its the best! (once you get used to it.)
The day went well, other then the service ending an hour late, but at least lunch was on time by then, so it all balances out somehow...after lunch was some volley-ball, then some of us went on a hike, to a big stone quarry, that was really interesting.
Double Trouble...
Then it was to say good bye to all those dear friends again.
(Wednesday April 26th)
Today Dad an Mom went to Bible study...But before they left Kisumu they went down town to buy some medication for a sick lady from our church.
Upon arriving in Kisumu, things were astir with the primary elections just done on Tuesday, an results still sketchy.
Anyway, before they knew what happened, people were running an screaming, an dashing around trying to find a safe place, as rioters an protestors came surging down main street, thankfully Dad an Mom had just stepped inside the pharmacy when the chaos started on the outside, people started pouring into the small pharmacy, wide-eyed, an out of breath from running to shelter...the owners of the shop quickly locked the doors in place an secured the bars over the windows an doors, an everyone waited inside, as the mobbing, an screaming, throwing things, an burning tires, continued outside. thankfully they soon passed on to another destination to create chaos, an the people inside the pharmacy ran for a more permanent shelter, or to their homes if possible...Dad an Mom got to their vehicle, thanking God that the tires were not slashed, an raced on home...trying to avoid streets with burning tires, an stones placed across the road, where there were more rioters.

Aroba CBF youth group....
they returned to the safety of the compound, an everyone was ordered to stay inside the remainder of the day.
We thanked God for bringing them home safely...
Bible study's were canceled in most churches, an everyone sat tight inside their homes...Pray for Kenya their presidential elections are in Aug. an it seems it could become quite chaotic, but we trust in God.
(Thursday April 27th)
Today Dad an Steve along with Jake Gingerich flew to Nairobi to see about getting a new vehicle for our family, since we were down to an old clunker of a van, ever since our patrol was ruined by oil leak.
They were gone all day today an plan to return on Friday.
Mom, Stan, wayne, an I were all at home, left to complete our duties around the compound.
Mom was sewing an cutting out dresses...I was just doing odd jobs around home.
In the evening there was prayer meeting at Joe an Glenda's house...to our surprise our luo teacher from Nairobi also attended, she comes whenever there are new replacements on the compound to teach them the Luo. She has become a dear friend to all of us...
Dean Miller with his church youth...
(Friday April 28th)
Today Dad an Steve were still in Nairobi, so the rest of us were at home....I went to my friend Janets house and picked her up, as well as some of her brides maids, as we were planning to go pick out some fabric for the wedding dresses...but it ended up being so chaotic to try an get all of the ladies together, that I dropped them off at the fabric shops an gave Janet my money an told her to just get me what ever she gets for the rest...I was so tired of all the stress an chaos, plus I had to return Brian Mast's van that I was using, I had only asked to have it several hours...I left the compound at 9:30am since I was picking up Janet at 10am. an by the time I dropped some of them off at the fabric shops, it was 12:30pm. so I came home, an at around 4:30 Janet called an said that she had just returned home...I cant imagine the ordeal of all agreeing on a fabric an color.
Anyway, Kenyan ways never cease to amaze me! (There is much more drama I could fill you in on this day of rounding up 8 bridesmaids...some of who told us they were waiting for us to pick them up, then were never even there yet, an others who were on time, but got tired of waiting an went back home...but I will leave all that since my blog is already too lengthily.)
JoeAllen an Bishop Wayne with some of their youth from Lela...
Tonight the youth had volley ball, on the lane...with most of the pastors helping for the one game, an it ended up being quite a highlight!
then some spike ball, an a snack on the lane ended another nice Friday in Kenya!
An that's all I have for this post!
We are praying for you Marcus an Becky along with your precious little son, may you feel Gods presence very near during this trying time.
For The Miller's

*Laugh of my week: Someone told Dad that he looks exactly like Trump, if only he had more hair on his head! hahahah!
Of course Dad's self image/self esteem has sky rocketed since then...an he is spending most of his missionary salary, on trying out various puffy-fluffy, pale, blonde-ish wigs, an looking for an "orange tinted" tanning lotion... you gotta earn respect from your church people somehow! an a missionary pastor never waits on a second chance...its not every day that the president an you are complete look alikes!! So we are enjoying the benefits from this prime opportunity, that happened by our way.
Jake with his church youth group....
We are looking forward to our church attendance hitting highs, an people actually arriving before Sunday school, instead of after. God knows our every need.

Kajulu church youth an children...

Andrew from Kajulu,(Left) An Wycliffe(Right) Wycliffe had a topic

Bishop Wayne Yoder giving closing comments...