Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Jake Gingerich Preaches In Nyakoko, More Dust, An A Drunkard's Changed Life,

(Saturday January 14th) 
Today we were just around home...
Mom was making food for Sunday lunch since we were having visitors.
The Miller family remaining...
I worked on sewing for a while, then I did some cleaning, an also cleaned out our messy closet in the hallway, that catches SO much dust!
In the afternoon one of my friends Winnie came to the compound on a visit, an then she also visited me, was good to chat with her again.
In the evening Dad, Mom, an Wayne an I all enjoyed having our supper together on our tiny front lawn, as the pleasant cool evening after a scorching day, made outside cooler then inside the house.
Tonight we talked of America, an home, an how far away all of that seems, an how very much we miss everyone an everything that is familiar to us there...
(Sunday January 15th)
Today Jake an Janice, along with Stay Byler came to our church, since with our assigned "pulpit exchange", Jake preached a heart-stirring message on listening to the voice of God in our lives.
Dad an Mom enjoying their coffee
After the service we had them over to our house for lunch, along with 3 native youth guys from Jakes church.
In the evening I went on a long walk with Stacy, since there wasn't much else going on.
Then later on, Joe an Glenda came over on our front lawn, an we had banana bread an pop-corn.
(Monday January 16th)
Today was just very original, Mom an I worked on laundry in the forenoon...
Dad at pastors meeting...
An in the afternoon I worked on the blog.
(Tuesday January 17th)
Today was a lazy day around home, waiting for the heat to subside so you feel like the evening Dad an Mom, an Wayne an I went to Kiboko Bay for supper.
(Wednesday January 18th)
Today Dad an Mom went to Bible study, an Wayne an I did jobs around home, an some cleaning.
I finished sewing a dress.
Enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of Kiboko Bay...
In the evening Dad an Mom were still not home from Bible Study, so Stacy an I went walking, an sat at the lake for awhile, being with her somehow helped fill the ache in my heart of missing close friends at home.
In the meantime Wayne was over at Dean's house playing ping-pong with their boys, something they have been doing a lot of recently.
(Thursday January 19th)
Today Dad an Mom left once again, to go out to where our church is, they picked up several of the church people an continued the one hour drive on out to where 2 of our church members live, Luke an his family live there, (Luke is the one I have told you about before, that bikes all day Saturday to reach church on Sunday morning, an he is older then Dad!) also, a widow lady named Hannah lives out in the same area, with her family, she pays transport to bring her in, as her meager income allows her.
So Dad an Mom decided to take some of our church people out there to spend some time with them, Dad an all the men went to Luke's house, an Mom an all the ladies went to Hannah's house.
they reported a good time of sharing.
Dad is all into coffee an is in his glory....
Dad said in his group of about 4 men, they went around the circle an shared their life story, through an interpreter that was along.
Dad said they all shed tears as they realized their various backgrounds from, poverty, an drunkenness to riches an no need of God, they were all in the same state, in need of God, an forgiveness.
Since this update so far has been super boring, I'll take time an tell you alittle about the one mans life story.
I'll call him Thomas.
Thomas, was a poor man, who's father was a polygamist with many wives, so he grew up knowing the sting of poverty, half-sibling fights, co-wife fights, an decided his life would take a different route, but although he has had only one wife all of his life, his former life was filled with, more poverty, drunkenness, an unfaithfulness, his wife an 5 children suffered greatly, his wife was converted early on, an joined the CBF churches, but Thomas was not convinced at all! He still loved his old sinful life, an his drunken reveling at clubs, his wife would tenderly care for him when he came home dead drunk, an would always have a nice hot supper waiting for him, this convicted him of his ways, but not enough so that he changed, he finally told her that its nice of her to cook for him when he comes home drunk, but that he still wants to have a cigarette after his meal, she told him that was going to be his choice, an all she was here for was to make his food for him, an every Sunday morning as his wife would walk the long walk to the closest CBF church, an Thomas would head out to his Shamba to work, he would laugh at her for wasting her time going to those crazy CBF churches, but her tender an loving ways, despite his response, soon reached into his cold, drunken, an hardened heart, an he went to church one Sunday with his wife, an there Brother Linford Borntrager from Indiana had a message on salvation, an Thomas responded at alter call that day, an he said, "I've never touched a beer since then, God changed me, an he changed me real good!" Opake Jesu!! he is today a faithful member in our church, a loving husband to his wife, an remaining children, he is the usher, an keeps the church grounds in good condition, he is very humble, an such a blessing!
My beautiful mother....
God is able! all he needs is pliable clay!

So Wayne an I were at home today an worked hard an fast most of the day to try an clean up our house an carport, since we were to have the usual Thursday evening prayer meeting at our house.
Dad an Mom came sliding home just in time to shower an clean-up before people started coming for prayer meeting.
It was a busy day, an a good evening...Dad was really tired by tonight with being gone all day, an no nap.
But he is slowly but surely getting his strength back again.
(Friday January 20th)
Today with all of our cleaning being done, I told Stacy that I would help her clean Jake's house.
So Becca an I both ended up going down an helping Stacy clean, we had it done in record timing, an in the meantime Londa went to Glenda's house to help her with baking some cookies, since Glenda an Clara's parents are coming.
So by 11:30am. we had most of our duties done, so Stacy, Lester's two oldest girls, Clarissa an me all went swimming at St. Johns pool! We had so much fun, an got all pink faced from the sun!
In the evening all us girls took Carolyn out for supper, since it will be her birthday on Saturday.
Wayne enjoying the all time favorite "passion juice" made from passion fruit
First we all went to a foot spa place an got foot scrubs, an with being barefooted year around over here, your feet sure get a beating!
I think it would be accurate to say that we all felt like queens being treated like royalty, it was a lot of fun, then we ended up eating supper at a really good Asain restaurant, where I had the best paneer I have ever had!!
It was just a perfect evening...
We got bac to the compound around 8:30pm. an played spike ball the rest of the evening.
An that concludes this post.
I apologize, I feel like the last several posts are SO monotonous, somehow I have just not been in a "writing" mood the last while.
Ok, so have a safe an good week!
For The Miller's

P.S ( don't forget to check ticket prices to Kenya, East Africa, I knew it was on your to-do list, an just wanted to remind you...yeah, its ok! no charge. I'm just kind like that...)
At Nyakoko....

Jake preaching with interpreter from his own church. 

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Dust storms, A Sad Good-Bye, An Normal Kenyan Life!!

(Saturday January 7th)
Today was a rather busy day for a Saturday, Us youth girls had a Christmas exchange, so we all gathered at Carolyn's house, where she made an amazing lunch, an had lit candles, an even had Christmas music playing, despite the 90* temps I almost caught the Christmas spirit!
Somewhere amongst the dust an dry land here, this flower is blooming beautifully
An then all opening our gifts that we had gotten for each other, it all brought back lots of good memories from home.

In the afternoon I was baking some, an then in the evening our family invited Victor an his girlfriend Winnie with us too the lake, since Victor had a birthday on Friday, an we also invited Rhoda since Victor is a youth guy from her church.
We had a really good evening eating banana bread, an pop corn, laughing, talking, an taking pictures of the beautiful sunset!
(Sunday January 8th)
Today was a normal Sunday.
Dad went to IC class early, Mom, the three bro's an I came later.
Today the twins said their good-byes to the church people, as they will be leaving for America on Wednesday.
Us children got home in record time today, it was 1:57pm. when we drove into the compound...breaking the time record for getting home seems to be a priority for my brothers somehow...I guess its a "guy thing" because I sure don't understand it!
Sorry for this pic. this is still from my last post: unit meeting
I wont go into detail about the ride home, however, with the main goal being to "beat the record" you can imagine I was abit tense most of the way home, (Stating it very mildly!) I guess I never realized that passing vehicles on the left was an option, but apparently it is!
Anyway, Dad an Mom went to pray an visit a widow who is almost dying, after the service, so the bro's an I ate lunch alone, an Dad an Mom came home late.
After naps I went walking on ring road, something I have not done in a long time!
Then in the evening spike ball on the lane was the main Sunday evening entertainment.
(Monday January 9th)
Today Dad went to pastors meeting...
I worked on the blog most of the day.
Mom an I also had an appointment at the dentist at 2pm.
The twins were doing odd jobs here an there that needed doing before they leave for the states on Wednesday.
Lester & Hannah from PA. fill-ins till Mark Beachy replacements arrive
After Mom an I went to the dentist, we did some fabric shopping, as I wanted to send some pieces home for some of my friends.
(Tuesday January 10th)
Today we were all just around home an trying to finish up packing for the twins trip to America...they are beyond excited to be going home to friends an foods that they love so dear!
I went to the market today to buy some traditional cards to send home for friends...We were all just at home in the evening.
(Wednesday January 11th)
Today we were working around home in the morning.
In the afternoon Dad an mom went to Bible study, an I worked on late blog posts, an some sewing.
Also that afternoon Rhoda, Stacy, an I went to do some shopping, before Rhoda's family gets here.
The twins flight was around 6:30pm. so we all ate our last supper together at KFC an then took them to the airport, an gave our last hugs an best wishes, then we sat outside the airport for around 1.5 hr. till their flight left, waving at them as they boarded the big Kenyan airways plane headed back to the land we call home.... I think most of us were in tears as we watched the plane leave the ground, an plummet through the dusty air, into the grey clouds, heading for Nairobi.
I think we all felt pretty left behind, an lonely.
Discussing serious things at unit meeting... 
(Thursday January 12th)
Today I was working around home with mom.
I cut out a dress an was working on sewing it.
Dad was in the office most of the day.
In the afternoon, Becca, Londa, an I went swimming, since they invited me to go along, I couldn't resist, and it was a scorcher of a day so.....
We had a very nice time, an I enjoyed getting to know them better.
We had compound prayer meeting at Joe an Glenda's in the evening.
(Friday January 13th)
Today Rhoda's family, or part of her family arrived for a visit, her parents an the four youngest still at home came to see the world their daughter lives in, an to experience Africa!
Today we all worked around home in the forenoon, then in the afternoon Dad an Wayne went to have some father/son time, so Mom an I decided to have some, Mother/Daughter time as well!
This car crashed right outside our compound wall, an right close to our house
It was a treat! we went to the dentist to change the wires in my braces, then we did some fabric shopping, an ate an early supper at hangover hotel, then we met Dad an Wayne at kiboko bay to watch the sunset!
It was a relaxing afternoon, In the evening it was popcorn an chairs on the lane, with some dramatic sounding spike ball games for entertainment.
It was a good Friday, but we missed the twins so much already! And with so many pictures an news from home, it made us realize just how long it has been since we were at HOME!
Well, that's it for this week! nothing major to write about, but I hope you survived the boring update on our everyday life here in Kenya!
Have a blessed week!
For The Miller's
this car had hit another car, then raced away to escape trouble, but ended up, driving too fast, an hit a speed bump that propelled the car over toward this small house you see on the other side, a big gnarly stump is what brought the car up in the back. The car also struck two children playing on the other side of this stump, they were taken to the hospital, an we have not heard more details.

unloading luggage at the airport...

Stanley all ready to go! (This Kisumu airport is about 10 min. from our compound, just saying.

Helping carry everything inside...

The Miller brothers ready to leave hot Kisumu...

Checking in their luggage...

The plane that took them to Nairobi...

Steve An Stan boarding the plane, sorry for the blurriness, it was taken through a chain link fence

At hippo point celebrating Victor's birthday

Winnie an Rhoda

Winnie & Victor

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Chicken Butchering, Unit Meeting, An Spike Ball!

(Saturday December 31st)
Welcome Sign...
So today we all slept in late, trying to sleep off our various sicknesses...then it was unpacking, an I did laundry for most of the afternoon.
Dishon was washing vehicles around here most of the day.
Dad was very sick, but trying to get things together for the next day, since it was Sunday.
In the evening all of us youth went to our new favorite spot, KFC, an had some good ole American-ish type of food, we talked, laughed, an celebrated the last day in 2016!!
(Sunday January 1st)
Happy New Year everyone!!
Today we all went to church together since Dad had gotten a brother from church to teach IC class for him, with him still fighting this awful malaria.
The service was very original, an we were home by 2pm.
We were just at home in the evening...
Driving the trails...
(Monday January 2nd)
Today we all got up bright an early, dragging our sleeping bodies down to Jakes carport, were chicken butchering started at 6:15am. An for those of you who always made a big ruckus when I would come late, for your information I was there at 6:30! just saying! Too bad you weren't here to witness that Markus!
We butchered around 200 chickens, an finally finished around 10:30am.
The twins an Weston were down at the chicken coop, the younger boys catching them, an Weston be-heading them, then Steve scalded them, an Stan de-feathered them, an the rest of us gutted them, an, finished cleaning them, before they went into the freezer. I was even gutting the chickens! yeppers! I was so proud of myself! an it really wasn't that horrible, once I got over how creepy warm the chicken was on the inside, an how it all smelled! Ok, I'll stop there.
Some sort of birds on the road...
The natives could hardly wait to get their hands on the different intestines that they love eating, as well as the chicken head an feet! Go them! an I just pray they eat all of them before I come to visit them next time!
After butchering we all cleaned up the mess, an cleaned up ourselves, then had a yummy brunch at Joseph an Becky's house.
Then the pastors rushed to the usual Monday pastors meeting.
In the afternoon I went swimming with some of my friends, an the three bros also went to another pool, since it was terribly hot today!
(Tuesday January 3rd)
Today Dad was in the office most of the day, finishing up end-of-the-year reports.
Mom was doing laundry.
I was sewing most of the day...
Nothing major to write about today.
Water Buck....
(Wednesday January 4th)
Today we worked on various things around home in the forenoon, then in the afternoon we of course had Bible study, an this time Stan, Wayne, an I decided to go along, then last minute Victor from Aroba decided to join us, he is good friends with Wayne, an we all had a blast together.
After Bible study Victor took us across a field an on over to where his newly married sister-in-law Leah lived, she is one of my good friends, an I was happy to get to visit her, since I was not able to be at her wedding.
I really enjoyed holding her little daughter, she has twins a boy an girl, about 2yr old.
We got back from Bible study around 6:00pm.
(Thursday January 5th)
Today was again a day at home...
The Beautiful Acacia trees...
In the evening we all went to Deans house where we had the usual prayer meeting, an then afterwards we had an official welcoming for Lester's family, celebrating their willingness to come, with ice-cream an soft pretzels.
It was a great evening, an quite amazing to have 5 more girls on the compound!
(Friday January 6th)
Today was unit meeting, all the AMA staff from Nakuru came to Kisumu, an since Mom an I were on to serve them breakfast upon their arrival, we were up earlier then usual cooking for around 40 people.
The unit meeting then started around 10:30am. an lasted till around 1:30pm. I must say it was more boring then usual with out Markus an Micah around, to text random things with, but we all survived.
Direction sign...
We then had lunch, washed up all the dishes, an then us youth played some spike ball, an later Rhoda an I went to town to buy some things we needed, then after supper we youth played volley ball, some games were almost good, but most were rather lame, I think everyone was tired. An we haven't played in a long time so, maybe that is what the issue was.
That is all for this week...
Love to all!

I'll try an keep this blog post more current then I have been, it kinda messes up my routine when we go on vacation an things come up where I cant write it on Mondays an get it out to you all! so sorry for the stale news, an hope you all have a good  week.
For The Miller's

unloading the vehicle...

They also had a camping area...

Here is where we spent most of our time...

This was our cabin...

I Got this pic for the blog especially, I thought you all would enjoy the "sign in the background."

Your still my sunshine, even when my hair are gray...

We can grin even if the trip wasn't the best thing that ever happened to us...

They even had horseback riding there!

At a look-out...

Stanley getting some footage for Wayne, since Wayne was at the cabin, sick...

Steve checking for wifi signal...

Dad & Mom Miller...

Dad trying to keep the Malaria chills out side with this blanket...

Hiking to the cave...

The Mouth of the cave...

Here is the cool glowing moss stuff I had written about...

This family went with us on our tour, the two little boys are twins...

Hiking the trails...

We came home an the baboons had taken over, our back yard!! 

Can you find the second monkey...

These guys got into our cabin when it wasn't locked, an stole some of our soda, opening it an helping themselves...

Pretty sure this little guy is curious George's cousin!!

The youth at KFC...