CBYC Building where Bible School was at... |
I took my time there at Steve's place the next morning, relaxing, refreshing, an getting ready to go to CBYC which was about a 10 min. drive from the compound, I got there around noon, an basically watched as they took their final exam, then we all had lunch together, an after that we headed out to hike the crater that was close by...it was a difficult hike, but it was fun...[clears throat] some went further an higher in climbing the crater ledge then others!
We all got back to the compound where CBYC was taking place at, an the students had just enough time to refresh themselves, before giving their program, since the program already started at 4pm.
Some of the Bible school youth, in front of the crater...*Not all are present. |
After the program they had chia for all the visitors that had come for the program, an then after all the visitors left again for home, they served supper for the remaining youth an the youth that came to visit.
It was fun that we got to hang out with all the students that evening till around 8:00pm. then we were all called inside to have a time of sharing, which ended up being a rather "open" an entertaining time, for me at least! of course I didn't say anything since I wasn't a student, an most shared of what they learned in the 10 days there, an how they were blessed, challenged, convicted...but several took the opportunity to say that they hope to be married by this time next year, an might not attend CBYC...LOL! I sat there thinking how youth back home would respond to things said like that at the end of a Bible school...unreal! bless their hearts!
Choir practice with Mark Beachy... |
It was an interesting day! And I was glad I got to experience some of CBYC since I was not able to attend as a student.
(Sunday December 11th)
Today Dad an Mom left early from Nakuru to make the 2.5 hr. trip back to Kisumu in time to attend our church services at Nyakoko since Dad didn't have anyone to replace him at the pulpit. (Wayne also went home with Dad & Mom.)
So I stayed at Nakuru, an Steve's family dropped me off at CBYC on their way to their church, so I was there for the services, which were very interesting, an the youth all sang a lot of the songs again from their program they had given the evening before, it was very enjoyable.
The hard-working cooks who cooked the entire 10 days.. |
Also not having any AC on our trek back home made for some tired, dusty, an warm people by the time we reached Kisumu!
We got back around 4:30pm. an unloaded all our things, an just relaxed around home, napping an snacking being the main agenda.
(Monday December 12th)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE KATE!!! I Love you so much my friend!
Today Dad went to Pastors meeting...
A group washing dishes...this is how all dishes were washed! |
Mom an the rest of the compound ladies all went out to where Mark Beachy's live, for a last party with Mary Ellen, since they are fixing to leave for home in America again after living here in Kenya for 2.5 yr.
I think the ladies had fabric shopping on the agenda, along with some other activities they did together.
So Wayne an I were at home...doing our jobs, me of course working on the blog, making food for the three bro's and Dad, doing laundry, etc. It was a very busy Monday actually...
(Tuesday December 13th)
Study groups... |
In the evening we all moped around home, wishing our health would somehow be restored.
I did somehow manage to get the laundry done, with the help of my little helper from ring road...so in the evening I was working on putting away all the clean laundry as well.
(Wednesday December 14th)
Today Dad & Mom went to Bible Study, despite Dad still feeling very weak an sick...Stan went along to do the driving, since Dad was feeling rather ill.
Study group... |
Before Bible study Dad was having meetings with people who either had difficulties in their life, or others who needed to be reproved of sins in their life.
Wayne an I were around home again today, we did our jobs an things that needed to be done, then in the afternoon I went to the dentist to fix a loose wire on my braces...an that's about all that happened today.
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Stacy Byler doing her final exam at Bible school... |
(Thursday December 15th)
Today we were all just at home, except for Dad who was having a meeting with one of the IC class members, who was caught lying about something or other...
Mom was working around home...I was baking cookies most of the day, for Janice a busy mother, an Glenda a young mother of two.
Dad came home around 7pm...
Stan an I raced to hippo point to watch the sunset, an enjoy the cool breeze off of the lake, after a scorching hot day!
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In line to get their plate of food for lunch... |
Playing some volley ball.... |
Today we were around home, the twins working on odd jobs here an there, they don't have a lot of work right now, an it makes it harder for them to wait to go home in Jan. for Bible school, they are so thrilled to be going back home for several weeks, an they make sure I know about it too! :) I'm happy for them that they get to go home....
Dad wasn't feeling well again today, so he just took it easy around home, I was so glad to see him do that!
In the afternoon the three bros worked on cleaning out the chicken house, a hot an smelly job for sure!
In the evening we had v-ball on the street, an with it being Markus an Micah's last time, we had a farewell of sorts for them, with the entire compound coming out on the lane, an Marks coming in too.
Stacy an Jane from Nyakoko...notice the sweaters, it is COLD in Nakuru |
Especially all the laughs in v-ball, a highlight of mine...an imitating jostie flicks, it was always such an enriching time! lol
So after v-ball, an the farewell, we all dispersed to our various houses around 10:30pm.
So that is all for this week...
Have a good week! An thanks for your prayers an support! We love an miss you all!!
Have a Merry Christmas, an A Happy New Year!!
Weston Miller from Kisumu giving a devotional... |
If you need to unthaw, an you want to go to a way more 'awesome' place then Florida, where we all know the "newly-weds" an "half-dead's" hang out.....instead come to Kenya! We could thaw your frozen bones out in a hurry!! And you wouldn't even have to pretend like you enjoy shuffle board!
Ok, much Love!
~Sylvia Miller
For The Miller's
~Sylvia Miller
For The Miller's
Singing choir songs... |
The youth girls singing.... |
Janice hanging up laundry... |
Study group... |
Exam time.... |
Girls sleeping quarters... |