(Saturday October 29th)
Today I took Judith an Elaine swimming after we slept in late again...

We swam most of the day an then went to do some shopping at Nakamatt, we walked ring road, an ate a snack while we watched the local soccer game, then in the evening our family along with Judith an Elaine went to Kiboko Bay, to celebrate the twins birthday...the restaurant made it special by bring out a dessert, an even dimming the lights, an added some candles, then the servers came marching out, singing Happy Birthday with a heavy accent, hitting around on pots an pans! really quite an impressive operation! They sure gave it their best shot anyways...
It was a relaxing, fun evening, of talking, watching the sunset, an of course eating great Kenyan food.
(Sunday October 30th)
Today we all went to our church....
Judith an Elaine an I went along with Dad to IC class, since they wanted to listen in to Dad teaching IC. So we were there earlier then I am used to going to church, but it was extra fun with visitors of course.
Afterwards we were all invited to James Ondieck's house for lunch, we had a great big Kenyan feast there, an the girls got to experience the culture first hand.
The three bros then headed on home, an Dad & Mom an us three girls went visiting an older widow lady's house from our church, who is ill.
At Kiboko Bay for the twins birthday... |
We took her some food, an visited a while...
Then on our way home from church we stopped in at the rinky-dinky Masogo Hospital, since I had told Elaine that I sometimes go there, an you can walk right into the maternity ward an see new born babies, an you can even hold them...well, Elaine thought she couldn't pass up that opportunity, so we went to the hospital an asked if there are any new born babies that we could hold for a while....the nurse said yes there are, an told us to follow her, an took us to the maternity ward where only one lady was, (Usually the place is full.) an here she had just had TWINS that morning! two little girls! they were born just a couple hours prior, an still had not even had a bath! they were SO cute, an the mother said that she had not given them any names yet, so I suggested that I think Sylvia an Elaine would be great names for them! she smiled weakly, an I don't know if she actually did it then...anyway, I prayed a blessing on the tiny little angels, an we left, at awe of our experience! an ever grateful that we decided to come back an see if there were any baby's there.
(Monday October 31st)
Really!! The last day in October!? wow!
Today we slept in once more...Oh! Happy Day!!
Then we started painting my bedroom by 8:30am. we worked fast an were surprised when we were done by noontime!
After that we rested an refreshed ourselves, then we went to the animal market, which is basically touristy kind of shops that sell all kinds of little hand carved things...we then took a tuk-tuk an went to Jubilee market were it is basically a huge fruit market...with rats running around under the make-shift tables, (thankfully we didn't see any today.) they also sell random other things there at the market. Mom went with us today, an we had a great time riding tuk-tuk, piling in the tuk-tuk on each others laps, laughing, shopping, an most of all buying things for people back home...
(Tuesday November 1st)
Today we all got up terribly early to go to Nakuru for unit meeting, our visitors were excited to go an be able to see the other AMA mission in Nakuru, so we left around 6am. it took around 3 hours to get there, then we all had breakfast together at the mission there in Nakuru, then the meeting started around 10am. an was dismissed around 12:30pm we had lunch, an after dishes were done all of us youth went to a big ware house to play volley ball.
Our Church house |
After volley ball we all started for home, an the long trek back to Kisumu, not very far into our journey we got stopped by the police, supposedly for speeding, they were going to fine us 5000.00sh. or else Dad would have to drive all those hours back to Nakuru next week an come to a court hearing...SIGH.
After sitting beside the road trying to think what the best plan of action should be, an praying that God would somehow intervene, since Dad was not going to have time next week to come out for a court hearing, but neither did he feel like spending $50.00 of the missions money on these corrupt officers, then, out of the blue, this guy walks up an asked Dad if we were from Kisumu?
We said, yes we are! he said he noticed our license plate, an thought we were from his area in Kisumu, he ended up being a police, showing us his badge, an said he will go talk to the police about stopping us, so when he returned he told us that we are free to go, no fines will need to be paid! an no court hearing! unreal! God still works miracles!
Dismissing for Sunday school, trying to find a spot of shade... |
"Mamma Becky" Talking with a small orphan girl.. |
But also, on our way home, we missed a right turn, an long story short we ended up driving out of our way really, really far, an then as we were finally nearing Kisumu, the GPS decided to take us down this dirt road, that got more an more narrow till we were finally bouncing over large stones, an no way to turn around with the cliff going off right beside us on the one side...an it was dark, an like 10:30 at night!! we were all a little scared as we just continued forward since there was nothing else to do...passing by groups of drunk men staggering around, it was freaky! an finally we bumped around yet another bend in the trail, only to come to a solid dead end road. We somehow managed to turn around, an with Gods help made it back out on the main road...PTL Just as we were turned around on the trail, an the boys were getting back into the van, from being on the outside to direct Dad in how far to back etc. to get us out, I looked back on the dark trail an saw two figures coming toward us, the one had a machete, but just then we had managed to turn around an were on our way out, an we locked the doors an left fast! God was protecting us that night I have no doubt! an we all sang on the top of our lungs the rest of the way home, even though we arrived home around 11:30pm from unit meeting....we were just happy to be home safely! what an experience, especially with our visitors along! oh dear!
(Wednesday November 2nd)
Today we took Judith an Elaine to one of our Bible studies...Dad & Mom an I went today.
Leaving the three bros to look out for themselves at home.
Dad having IC class... |
We had a good time, an I think it was another good cultural experience for the girls, at least I hope so...After the usual Chia an Mondozies, we left for Kisumu, We stopped at a little market on our way home, an let the girls watch them make Chappaties an Mondozies. It was a good day!
(Thursday November 3rd)
Today I had scheduled a hike in the Nandi hills with Nurse Jabet, She is a CBF single lady, who is a social worker, making sure that the people living in the mountains, are living as sanitary as possible.
A normal Sunday service... |
So after we picked up Emma, one of my friends from our church, we continued our journey out to the hills were the nurse would take us hiking, we met her close to her clinic where she works, then she took us on a hike visiting different homes, for about an hour, then we went to her house for lunch, were she cooked up a big Kenyan feast! Our group consisted of Stan, Wayne, Judith, Elaine, Emma, an myself.
After lunch we hiked to a big water fall where we sat for a long time, taking pictures, an dangling or feet in the refreshingly cool water.
In the Evening we all went to Joe & Glenda for prayer meeting.
(Friday November 4th )
Today we once again did some last minute fabric shopping...an lots of walking along the road side stands in town.
The Ladies cooking for us, at James house... |
Judith was not feeling well today, so she took a piki an went home early, leaving Elaine an I to our tromping around. Elaine an I were fairly positive that Judith was missing Ryan, an thus had fallen ill! we felt sorry for her...but celebrated our own health, an singleness to the fullest extent!!
Elaine an I had a bomb! I felt like I got to know her in a different way, an I'm pretty sure that her being at Faith Mission has changed her a lot too! we just had so much fun...an both being a bit blonde sometimes, just made for the greatest memories, some which I wont project out to you all, to save us some embarrassment! But Oh! the much needed laughter an joy these friends brought to my life, an the life of our whole family! Thank-you so much girls!!!
In the afternoon, after resting abit I took them to Richard an Janet's house (Ex-Muslim pastor.) Richards sister Christian was also there, still helping out Janet since their baby was born.
James house, were we ate lunch... |
We had a jolly grand time, an after eating rice an green grams, we hung out with some of the children who were there, Elaine was busy holding Richards baby "Peter Gerold", so I think she enjoyed her time as well!
We all got back in time to go to Wayne Yoder's for supper....then we youth had volley ball afterwards.
And that concluded this weeks post....I hope to eventually get caught up on my posts, I know I'm a week behind, but maybe soon I'll get my act together again.
For The Miller's
Chappaties.... |
Quote for the week: "Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all." -Mandy Hale
Stacy, 17 yr. old, IC class member, an one of my best friends... |
Stanley getting his hands washed before lunch... |
Our Sunday lunch feast.... |
Finishing up our lunch.... |
The pasta enjoying his food very much... |
Mom an the sick widow we went to visit after lunch... |
Judith an the sick widow lady.... |
Elaine.... |
Visiting the sick, an afflicted... |
Elaine an I with the newborn twin girls.... |
Elaine working hard.... |
Trying to tape the lines to paint stripes... |
Judith edging the tape... |
Elaine slaving away.... |
Elaine scrubbing the floor...HARD WORK! |
Finished product! |
Going walking on Ring Road, an shopping...(this dirt road is our home street.) |
A Tuk-tuk shop to fix tuk-tuks on our street... |
Piled into a tuk-tuk going shopping...you cant see Judith an Mom who are holding Elaine an I. |
At Jubilee market..... |
I feel like I have done such a poor job describing to you all how much the time we spent together with these visitors actually meant to our family.... |