Monday, 26 September 2016

A Seminar, A Wedding At Nyakoko, An Hail On A Rusty Tin Roof!

(Saturday September 17th)
Joel at the guest registry, welcoming the guest's, complete with his mud-boots
Today we all got up early to be on time, an in tune, for today was the long anticipated day of Caren & Joshua's  wedding!
Dad & Mom left earlier then us others, to set up the guest registry table, an the gift table, Mom, as creative as always, made signs to put on the doors to the church house, welcoming everyone to the service, she even wrote the one sign in luo! I was proud of her! Once I got there I helped put up some balloons to make it special.
We had also assembled a bouquet for Caren, as well as corsages for the choir ladies, the Bride an Groom, an the witnesses. (two older couples that were close to Joshua & Caren.)
The ladies choir practicing their songs for the wedding.
So we finally get to the church after picking up some people from the Rabour church, an others along the way that needed a ride to the wedding, Us Nyakoko youth were there early to practice our two songs for the wedding. (a lot of them were too late to practice. What's new!)
Jane from Nyakoko an Leah from Aroba, waiting for the wedding to start.
We got everything set up, an the guest's started arriving, an finally everyone was there, except Caren & Joshua, then we hear people saying that according to culture Joshua needs to arrive at the church before Caren....So we were all there waiting for the groom to arrive...the wedding was supposed to start at 11:00am. but it wouldn't have been a Kenyan wedding if it would have started on time! The service finally did however started at 12:30pm. the groom FINALLY arrived, then Dad found out he was supposed to be the one to go pick-up Caren an the family she was staying with, so Dad an I along with several of Caren's friends left in a van to go pick-up Caren an the family she was staying with.
As you can see wearing white to a wedding is the culture, its so diff. at home!
Some of the youth girls waiting for the wedding to start.
We get to the house, an surprisingly Caren is all ready in her beautiful white dress, with her small daughter Mary also in a cute little white dress, first we all file into the house an like usual, before anyone sits down the "white pasta" needs to pray a blessing on their house, after which we thought we were going to leave now, but they wanted us to sit down, an then Caren explained to Dad that she would like for him to go to the church house where her family was, (Caren's actual family were from quite a long distance away, an traveled far for the wedding.) an bring them over to the house she was staying at as, she had something to give them (Chia and mondozies)...SIGH! Dad jumped back into the van, leaving us girls there, an went back to the church to get Caren's family...but instead, he returned with the needs committee.... (I'm thinking, what!? the needs committee?....... but then again I guess we did have a serious need here...mostly a "need for speed!" it was so late already an they were acting like this was going to be a wedding like in the Bible times, were people celebrated for a week straight!) the needs committee gently tried to explain to Caren, an the family she was staying with, that we are already an hour an a half behind schedule, and that they should just leave the chia an mondozies, an come to the wedding so things could get started. (Bless the needs committee's hearts!)
Standing around waiting for things to progress...
Brad spending his time climbing the tree outside the church house.
So after explaining the need to get to the church an get started, we all stood to leave, an then the man of the house said that he wanted to pray for Caren an her young daughter Mary, as they will be leaving their house, and Caren will never more return here as a single girl, so after an impressive prayer, we finally packed everyone into the van an started the bumpy ride back to the church, as we neared the church, one of the older ladies told the young ladies that were along to start singing, an she didn't have to ask them the second time! they started singing so loudly, that I finally had to hold my one ear shut, as the girl beside me had a healthy set of lungs, an vocal chords that were incredible! But thankfully the trip to the church wasn't that long, an as we bailed out of the van, they where singing at the top of their lungs, an then we all moved over to the church house entrance, with Caren & Joshua standing side by side, with all their friends an the ladies choir behind them, all singing very loudly! meanwhile, I was quickly pinning the corsages on the Bride & Groom, an the one couple that came with us, from the house where Caren had been staying at, and that Caren also had chosen to be her witnesses...we all together filed into the church house slowly, an reverently.
the church service finally under way, the pastors are getting their thoughts together.
We had placed 6 chairs up in the very front for the Bride & Groom, an the two couples that they had chosen to witness for them, we all sat down, us youth all sitting right behind the "bridal party" but once we sat down, I noticed the couple that Joshua had picked to witness was not there, an we had not pinned corsage's on them either an I had noticed that we had two corsage's left.
Joshua an the older couple he chose to be witnesses for him.
But eventually the husband of the "missing witness couple" arrived, an after his youth aged son went to the ladies side of the church, (They had segregated seating.) to find his mother an tell her that she is one of the witnesses, an needs to sit up front with her husband, she got up an ambled her way slowly to the front, plopping down in the chair next to her husband, they didn't have corsage's like the other couple, but then again, wearing a flower is not all that important in Kenya.
The Bride & Groom, an the two couples that witnessed.
Saying their vows...(Try not to notice the huge gap between the Bride & Groom.)
After the service was well under way, I hear a cell phone ringing, which isn't a big surprise, as ringing cell phones, an sleeping people are a huge part of a Kenyan church service, but, when I see the Groom reaching into his pocket, an fumbling around, my heart skipped a beat! an nothing like hitting the silence button either! He causally fishes the singing device out of his pocket, And not only that! HE ANSWERED THE CALL!!! I couldn't believe my eyes! never mind stepping out side to take the call either! he sat there an talked for a while, then finished the call like nothing out of the ordinary had happened, (an it probably wasn't out of the ordinary for them.) but why not, this is Kenya after all! I couldn't help but think of the person calling, "Hey Joshua! what are you up to today?!"  an Joshua being like, "Oh! nothing much, just getting ready to say my vows, an get married." the Kenyans though! you gotta love their "no agenda" type of living....
Praying a final blessing on their marriage.
After Dad had the message, the ladies choir sang two songs, then after the vows, an while they were signing their marriage license, our youth group sang two songs, it was a bit of a disaster, as most Kenyans think the louder the better, when it comes to music an singing, an with all the visitors at the wedding, they wanted to put on a good show, an simply screeched with a volume that was unreal, an made the song off key, an 3-4 scales higher by the end of the song.
But all in all, Caren & Joshua got married! God Be Praised!!
A Native Bishop Thomas Amata married them, an I found it a bit humorous that after they were married he told Joshua, "you don't need to fear this girl, she is now your wife!" everyone had to laugh a little, as the couple stood very far apart, an only holding hands while in prayer, they were not what I am used to seeing in a newly married couple, that's for sure!
getting married....

After the service was over, everyone greeted the Bride & Groom, an gave them gifts, or some money.
Then, after loading all of the gifts on the back of a truck, an piling the Bride & Groom an their families in a van, we headed for Caren & Joshua's newly mudded hut, the rest of us walked as their house is not too far from the church.
Finally Married!!
All the white pastor's an their wives an children, (Some of the other missionaries from the compound, where also at the wedding.) an Caren & Joshua all sat in their new house to eat, but my brothers an I went to another hut where they were also serving food for the wedding goers, an us youth all piled into the one hut, it was most of our youth, as well as, a few youth from Aroba an Rabour.
Witnessing the signing of the marriage license.
My brothers an I are trying to get our youth to not be so terribly segregated, so we all ate together, after Steve announced to the youth that we are going to eat lunch together, instead of the boys all going one way an the girls another, we had a great time, laughing an talking, an with my limited luo, an with bits of English mixed through, I heard there was some teasing going on about who would be next! we had a great time, eating our rice an beans, an watching the dog an cat hissing an fighting over the stray crumbs that fell.
Usually even the natives eat rice with a spoon, but with all the people there to eat, an a limited amount of spoons, we were supposed to just eat it with our hands, an that was a challenge as the rice just fell through your fingers, to the eagerly awaiting pets below.
While we were eating, it started to rain, an then it poured in a tropical down-pour, we looked outside an watched as the people that were eating outside ran to the nearest hut, to find shelter, an finish their wedding meal, then it started to hail! an the sound was deafening on the rusty tin roof! we basically had to shout to be heard, it finally stopped raining, an we all left, but first I snapped a few pictures of Caren & Joshua an their daughter Mary.
Then the three bro's an I, along with Dishon left in our land-rover, starting for home, we had tons of fun hitting enormous mud puddles at a high rate of speed, an seeing the water fly 12-15 feet up into the air... an so ended a Kenyan wedding day, with some very fun mudding, with our trusty ol' "stone crusher." 
(Sunday September 18th)
Today Dad & Mom went to our church in Nyakoko, then Steve, Wayne an I all went to Jake an Janice's church, since Steve had to help shuttle the Rabour choir to Jakes church.
Joshua signing the license.
Stan was still sick at home, an I think him pushing himself to be at Caren & Joshua's wedding also tired him out.
Steve, Wayne an I were then invited to Jakes for lunch along with the Rabour choir, an Stacy, we had a great time laughing, talking an singing.
Dad & Mom were at home with company of their own, as a pastor from another CBF church had come to preach for Dad, as Dad had preached at the wedding the day before.
In the evening Wayne an I took piki's an went to hippo point to watch the sunset, an I also had several days in my daily journal to catch up on.
Steve an Stan joined us after Steve had taken the entire choir back to Rabour.
We had a great time at the lake, talking with friends, an the sunset was amazing!
Caren signing the license.
(Monday September 19th)
Today was "family Day," which is basically a day off to spend however you want to spend it, an preferably with your family, so we took a vote Sunday evening, an we decided the ones that wanted to sleep in, could. (Thank you Jesus!) An the ones that wanted to tour the coffee plantation with Dad & Mom could rise from their slumbers early, an do that, so it ended up that Dad & Mom an Stan went to tour the coffee plantation, an the rest of us stayed home, we slept in, an did some jobs around home, I actually got the blog out in record time today, we had planned to then have a family swimming party in the afternoon, at one of the pools that are close to the compound here, but because of rain, an Dad & Mom returning home later then what they had planned, we instead, all got ready an went to a Chinese restaurant for supper, it was as good as ever! an a real treat for our family!
After supper we walked the streets of down town Kisumu, looking at all the different street vendors wares, we even got to see some men fighting an yelling at each other over a "fender-bender."
And then we were just around home the rest of the evening.
Introducing them as husband & Wife...
(Tuesday September 20th)
Today seemed like a Monday....
I had a HUGE laundry today, that I worked on for most of the day, despite have a wringer washer that does it a lot faster then a washer would.
Dad was in an out of the office all day, working on church reports, financial reports, an everything in-be-tween that goes along with being a missionary/pastor.
(Wednesday September 21st)
Today was Bible study...but us kiddos stayed at home, Steve had various projects he wanted to work on.
Stan was still recuperating from a now, long illness that has left him feeling like all his strength is gone...but we think he is slowly gaining strength, an returning back to normal.
Youth girls from Nyakoko...
I worked on different things around home, an put away the mounds of clean laundry, an made meals for the three bro's.
Dad & Mom came home from Bible Study very, very late as they got their vehicle stuck in the mud once again, Dad said the ruts that they were stuck in were literally knee deep, an they had quite the mess trying to winch their way out of it, coming home exhausted, at around 8pm. tired an mud splattered...they could write a whole other blog post just on the events surrounding getting stuck out there in the Boone docks! 
I warmed up left over supper that the three bros an I had had earlier, an worked on the gigantic batch of cookies I had stirred together after supper, it took like 18-20 cups of flour! so I was baking cookies for daaayyyzzz!
Leah an her boyfriend David, from Aroba, engaged to be married in Dec.
(Thursday September 22nd)
A faint hint of a smile, a rarity on pictures.... 
The wedding party, going to their new house...
Today I was still working on my mountain of cookie dough that I had made, it was way more then we could freeze, so I gave everyone in the compound some except Joseph & Becky since they weren't home, and then I gave the Asian's couple some that live right across the lane from us, the guard man, an the sewing ladies, then as I was on my way to "mamma Kay's" shop with a plate of them, I saw three more of my friends sitting in their small booth selling vegetables, so I stopped an gave them some, an then several piki drivers sitting close by, saw me give them some an waved me over an said they wanted some too, so there went that plate of cookies, I then went back home an got ready to go to the doctor to refill my medication, so I got ready early an told Steve to just pick me up at mamma Kays shop on the way to the Doctor, so I tried to take her cookies once again, I decided to take a back street to her shop, were there weren't as many people, but then I saw a whole group of men working on a construction project, an as I came closer, the ones resting in the grass beside the road started saying, "Asante sauna Madam! Asante sauna Madam!" thanking me for the cookies I was bringing, never mind that the cookies weren't for them at all! so there went two more plates of cookies, an I ran home to get the last big tray I had, as I saw there were not going to be nearly enough for everyone with just the two plates, they couldn't believe I gave them each a free cookie! We had a bit of a stampede, with me finally holding the tray of cookies above my head an shouting, "only one cookie! If you had one back away so others can get one!" I was in the middle of a big circle, that was rapidly getting smaller, an black hands from all angles reaching in towards the tray of cookies, I finally left with empty plates.
I then went to the Doctor to get the meds for this next although I hardly dare say it, but I'm so excited that this coming Thur. it will be 8 weeks since my last seizure! 8 weeks is the longest I have been able to go with out a seizure since I came to Kenya, so I'm hoping it will go longer this time! 6 month is the longest I ever went with out having a seizure since I had the first one several years ago. I'm just hoping an praying the meds can keep them away forever, because so far I have not had any severe side effects from my meds so.....we'll see!!
The neighbors an their children all coming to see the wedding people..
After seeing my Doc. we got some groceries, an then came home an finished getting ready for prayer meeting, as it was our turn to host the usual Thur. evening compound prayer meeting.
(Friday September 23rd)
Today was "special offices seminar" at one of the CBF churches, it was a seminar for all of the people from our CBF churches that hold a office like, Sunday school teachers, ushers, interpreters, etc. So Dad & Mom as well as the twins went to the seminar, but first picked up all of the people from our church that fulfill a special office to the church each Sunday.
Even though I'm youth girls Sunday school teacher, I wasn't really in the mood to go, so Wayne an I stayed at home doing jobs around home, an then Stacy an I went to do some curtain shopping for new curtains in my bedroom, as the ones I have now are pretty hideous.
The ladies choir in their white dresses with Caren....
I found just the fabric I wanted, an after a piki ride to the bank to switch over US money to Kenyan, I bought the fabric, Stacy an I explored the store we were in as it was a very modern store, with lots of modern furniture, an big stuffed couches, even a huge full body massage chair!(Kenya?) it sure didn't feel like Kenya as the store was very modern, an even had AC! we ended up sitting on a lovely stuffed living room set of couches, (Soft stuffed furniture is one of the things I really miss from home!) an had a long, much needed chat.... It was great! I so miss close friends from home that I could always "spill-out" to when life got tuff, an to have great friends here that I can connect with is just such a blessing!
We then came back to the compound an got ready for Friday evening Volley ball, some native CBF youth guys came to help us play, so it made our measly teams bigger, an also made so the pastors didn't have to drag themselves out on the court to help us play, we had a great evening!

Caren with her precious daughter Mary.
So there you have some of our journey's from this last week...I know some of you would like to hear more about what my brothers an Dad do, an I will try to not just write about my life...and include more of what all of our family does around here.
I guess writing about my schedule is the easiest, an I think it would be really neat if Dad would write a blog about what all his days consist of! I think it would be very interesting....but I don't see that happening anytime soon, so I guess you will just have to read my ramblings...
Hope you all have a splendid week! And thanks for checking in again with the Miller family...we love an miss you all so much!
For The Miller's  

A new Christian family in Kenya!

They are a lot more happy then they look, they just don't express themselves much...

Joshua & Caren and Mary....



Joshua with two of his good friends, David an Dishon...


At Jakes church....

Jake & Janice's church....



The Rabour choir...

I don't often post videos because they take so long to download, hope you can see it!

Monday, 19 September 2016

Gerold Becomes A Funeral Director, A Modern-Day Miracle In The Mud!!

(Saturday September 10th)
Today I was planning on going to "mamma Kay's" hair braiding shop, an she was planning on putting my hair into "corn-rows", I might insert, that its not that I enjoy the looks of "corn-rows" I don't.  And whenever I do have my hair braided like that of the natives, I usually stay away from all mirrors as much as possible, because of the fright I experience when seeing how closely I resemble a "Skinned rat" when I have my hair braided. so anyway, you might be thinking, so why do you get your hair braided then? an all I can say is, Its amazing what you find yourself doing for your friends here in Kenya! An they think it looks so good!
So I get to her hair braiding shop where we had planned to meet at 10am. only to find her shop locked up an no one was I sat down beside her shop to wait for her for a while, as Kenyans are usually late, I waited...and waited some more! watching the Saturday morning hustle-n-bustle all around me....piki's an tuk-tuk clattering up an down the street, their mufflers filling the air with the smell of exhaust....a man hanging on tightly to a goat as he balanced himself on the back of the piki he was on....people walking to an fro greeting each other with a good morning...dogs running everywhere...cows slowly crossing the road, making so traffic had to stop, till they were across...the men across the street were in the "gambling shack" playing their cards an laughing loudly....cows ambled past me, with no one leading them or following them....I sat there waiting with my mondozies, an the thermos of hot chia, waiting for mamma kay to arrive. I had gotten special mondozies where they make them with yeast, an then we glazed them with glaze, so they were more like a donut...I had wanted my friends to try them, but it appeared like they were not coming to the shop today...I finally asked a guy across the street if he knows where mamma kay is, to which he half-heartedly muttered something or other about her attending her church on Saturday's...which made no sense since she had told me to come on Saturday. (I later found out that she had gotten visitors, an like all Kenyans would, never mind making sure that the people with whom you have appointments with would find out that they wont be there, they just let you find it out on your own, I guess. mamma kay told me later when I went back to braid my hair that, No she does not attend church on Saturday's.)
So as I started walking back home, I stopped along the way giving my friend Rachel some chia, an the guard Patrick at the hotel right beside our compound.
So I got back home an immediately got my swimming things together, I then took a piki an went to cosmos where the rest of the girls had went to swim just a little before I did, so we all had a blast there, enjoying the bright sunshine...then instead of paying a piki to get back home, I decided to walk home, since I love walking anyway, Rissa an Shonda joined me, was great to get to hang out with them as I don't get to do that much.
In the evening we were just around home, Mom made her delicious pizza, an thanks to Carolyn's parents who just flew in from America to visit, we got a great big cheese ball, MADE WITH REAL CREAM CHEESE! an we even got fresh club cracker, all from America! We ate our prized possession, in an almost reverent manner, relishing the taste of real cream cheese, we even made sure to divide the portions evenly, even going as far as debating whether we should eat it all now, or leave some for later...some suggesting to leave some for later, so this prize would last longer, an others voicing the concern that with late night prowlers around, who like to eat treasures such as this while the rest are deep in their slumbers, (I'm not mentioning any names here.) we couldn't take that risk, so we ended up eating all of it together, till we ran out of crackers an there were only several bites of cheese ball left.
So as you can tell food means more to our family then most, I might add (obliviously) here. but it was a really good cheese ball, an we concluded that we had all but forgotten how good food back in America really was! Thanks Carolyn!
(Sunday September 11th)
Today Dad left early, like usual, for IC class, the rest of us (except for Stan who is sick) coming at the regular time.
I had not slept well Saturday night so I wasn't feeling quite well either, so during the service, an after I had finished teaching my Sunday school class, I was resting outside in the shade, as well as trying to care for a young girl that was burning up with a fever from malaria.

We actually made it home from church around 1:30pm.
We then ate left over pizza from Saturday night for lunch, then all retired to long naps....after which I went walking on ring road with Stacy an Rhoda, we had a great evening, an even happened to be right outside the mosque when the Muslim call to prayer went off, echoing through the valley with an eerie sound, sung in the usual slow mournful sound, over a loud microphone, we then looked at the temple a bit, an talked with a gardener there that said that we should switch religions, he said that we are probably missionaries, an that we should join them instead, "since the Muslim religion, is a good religion." we kindly said no when he suggested we go inside to see the worshipers, we left, feeling like we got to get a peek into a different religion an culture. A truly unique experience!
(Monday September 12th)
Today was compound chicken butchering...which famously starts at 6:30am. while some faithful souls start at that time, I came several hours later. Imagine that!
It was all finished by 11:00am. an while the rest ate breakfast, I came home an started the laundry as we had a lot of laundry to do, I then finished that up around early afternoon.

The rest of the day, we were all just working around home here.
Dad was in the Pastors meeting till late because of the late start they got due to the butchering...
In the evening I was busy putting away clean dry laundry, an helped make supper.
(Tuesday September 13th)
Today Dad an Mom went to have a meeting with the needs committee about Joshua & Caren's wedding that will be happening this Saturday.
Us kids were just at home, I worked on the blog most of the day, an made food for the three bro's.
Stanley was still sick, an I was starting to feel sick too...
Dad an Mom returned with more plans for the wedding made, saying that they had to ask the couple if they wanted flowers, or if they had any witnesses in mind, that they had planned to have.
It is a very low-key wedding since Caren is still in IC class, an is not a member, they will not have the usual food an reception part at the church, if they would have waited to get married till Caren was a full member, the church would have helped in the way of money to help with food an so forth, but they were ready to be married so things were done a bit differently, an the wedding was just the basics that they could afford. I guess it is kind of a thing that AMA has always done, as far as weddings concerning full members an IC class applicants. (More on how the wedding went in the next blog post!)
(Wednesday September 14th)
Today Dad & Mom went to the Bible study alone.
I got up feeling more sick then the day before.
But spent quite a bit of time on the computer trying to get a wedding program made for Joshua & Caren's wedding on Saturday. Interestingly enough the week of the wedding they decided they would like a wedding program, so I tried to print it out kind of like what they wanted, nothing professional at all! but I think they liked it worked.
(Thursday September 15th)
So today I was officially SICK. Stan was still sick as well...
I didn't write anything for today.
An nothing important happened. so there you have Thursday.... =/
(Friday September 16th)
Today I was feeling some better, an Steve took me to town to buy roses for the wedding tomorrow, an to get some pictures printed out, that I wanted for the gift table, as well as the guest book table.
So we drove around Kisumu several hours till I had every thing I needed to make corsages, an a bouquet for Caren.
Today Dad an Wayne went to a funeral home to pick up the body of a deceased person whom they had never met before. (those kind of meetings are always abit awkward, with the whole thing of "this is the first, an the last time we meet" thing kinda ruining a flowing conversation.) lol anyway,
Dad reported that there were several bodies to be picked up there at the funeral home, an he wasn't sure who was who, an there were friends an relatives, an innocent bystanders everywhere wailing an crying hysterically...the one man yelled out, "pastor come pray with the family here." so dad assumed that this was the body he needed to pick-up, so he prayed with the loud wailing crowd at the casket, only to discover after the prayer that another man said, "Mista Milla! the body is here now, so we can help you load it on top of your van." So I guess he had happened to pray with the wrong crowd, but I'm sure they all needed prayers anyway so....they loaded up the body, on the top of the van, an strapped it down with ropes, hoping for the best.
After traveling back in fairly far, an unloading the body at the families house, where more hysteric mourners were there to greet them, moaning an screeching in distress, as Dad an Wayne were working on unloading the body, ladies were reaching up toward the casket wailing an praying to the body, some singing songs as well, they finally unloaded the casket amongst the chaos, the one lady even collapsing to the ground in a dead faint, Dad an Wayne felt a little out of their box, but when don't you feel out of your box here in Kenya, so they loaded the ratchet straps an ropes back in the van, an headed for home again, ready to be away from the mourning crowd, an having some peace an quiet again.
They started for home, an then it started to rain....they soon were in slippery mud, an traveling over deep ruts the wide mud tires spinning then the gears quite working as well! no reverse. no four wheel drive. nothing. so being hopelessly stuck in the gooey mud, Dad looks at Wayne an says, "All we can do now is to pray, we are a long ways from home, an its getting late." so they started praying that God would make so the gears in the vehicle would work again, or that someone could help them get unstuck, and Dad confessed to the family later that he also reminded God that he was just out here today to do a favor for someone, an now he got stuck!
So anyway, while they were sitting there trying to decide what to do, an trying the gears again an again to see if they work, a man runs up beside the vehicle, an standing there in the pouring rain, he yelled, "White-man Pasta! How are you!? Do you remember me!!?" Dad said, "no I don't remember you." The native said, "I'm the one who was stuck in the mud that one day, an you came along an pulled me out of the mud with your vehicle! So, now you are stuck, an if you just wait here a little while I will run to the closest town an get my tractor, an I will pull you out an help you, like you did for me that day!" Dad then said he remembers that he pulled a guy out of the mud once, but would never have recognized the man, since they all kinda look the same.
Dad then suggested that they see if they can push it out of the mud, an in no time there were 20 barefooted black guys there helping him push the vehicle, an taking their shovels, an hoes an digging the mud away from the tires, an then all of a sudden the gears started working again!! an before long they were out of the slough an on more solid ground again! Praise God!
Chicken butchering...
Dad gave them "something small" for helping him, an told the "first responder" that he needed to share it equally amongst the other helpers, an thanked them all profusely! Dad said, it touched his heart when he left, to look back an see the group of men standing in a circle, in the pouring rain, plastered in mud dividing up $2 amongst themselves....God can do the impossible if we allow him!
That is all I have for this week...

*Sorry that I don't have more pictures this time, I promise next time to have a lot with the wedding.
For The Miller's

The tanks we put the chickens in to cool...

good work guys....

We like visitors over butchering time! ;)

Working hard....

Good work Micah...

Its a fluffy situation...

Even gramps is at it!

several ladies from church started making these..

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

A Dog Bite, Unit Meeting, An More Visitors From America!

(Saturday September 3rd)
Just a random picture of coming into the compound, the gate by the white van is ours.
Today we all slept in like usual, then had brunch together...After that Dishon came to start washing vehicles.
Dad went to his office after brunch to study to teach IC class, as well as for the message, his Saturdays mostly consist of studying in his office, its something to get used to for our family, since Saturday's were always our day to do something together as a family, maybe some jobs around home, then shopping in Cincinnati, or at the least go out for supper...but those days are past for now, an we are learning to like the schedule we have here.
Regular sites when I'm walking ring road...
Mom promptly put the brunch dishes away, an started doing cooking for in the evening, since we had invited around 20 people to our house for Saturday evening supper.
I dove into my cleaning with a fury, being afraid that the day wasn't going to be long enough for everything that I wanted to get done....but it all worked out ok, we bought chapatti's an made quesadillas out of them stuffing the wrap with chicken or beef, an lots of melted cheese, dad also bought fresh mondozies , an then we glazed them, they tasted similar to a donut back home.
We had the hillcrest group here, as well as the three single girls, an Joseph & Becky, an Kori from Nakuru, we all had a good evening together, enjoying having all those visitors from the states with us.
(Sunday September 4th)
A soccer game going on, just off of ring road....they call it football
Today Dad An Mom left early for IC class.
Steve an Wayne picked up a youth guy at the gate, that wants to start attending our church, also they had to pick up Charles at the blind school, so they had their morning planned.
Stan was feeling sick, an I was tired from not being able to sleep the night before, so we both stayed home.
Organized chaos?
After the church service was over, two of my friends asked mom if they can come back home to Kisumu with them to visit me while I'm sick, an mom told them they could. Oh! Joy! also dad had two little orphan boys that are his "buddies" an they also wanted to go to Kisumu an see where the pasta lives, so they all came home for lunch, I was still in bed when mom called saying that she is bringing me some visitors, an that I should start lunch preparations till they get there. I was still very tired an not necessarily in the mood to host visitors, but I survived the ordeal.
Kori from Nakuru was also at our house for lunch.
So Stan an I arose from our slumbers to get lunch ready, an had it basically ready by the time everyone got home.
An then the rest of the afternoon I tried to entertain the two girls who came to see me.
September Unit Meeting...
Finally, at around 6pm Dad & Mom took the two orphan boys an Stacy an Jane back home, driving an hour an 20 min. one way! I concluded that my parents have an even bigger heart for these natives then I do at times! because till they got the girls home it was already dark, an with them living way back in the boone-docks dad would drive as far as he could, an then walk the girls the rest of the way to their house, with only the flashlight on his phone to show the way, they were walking along the narrow paths, an through the fields, past other dark huts that were burning small oil lamps for lighting.
These guys are bored completely stiff!
"So, if u wud point ur camera in the opposite direction, I'll sneak my second banana!"
An the Pastors "circle" where problems are solved, an decisions made!
Painting the guest rooms...
 He took Jane home first, then as he was walking Stacy to her house he finally arrived at their small hut at around 9pm. the families scrubby, flea infested dogs barking an growling as they announced to the family that someone was coming, so of course the father an mother had to come greet the pastor an talk for a while, an while Dad was standing there talking with Stacy's father, one of the little dogs ran up behind Dad an clamped his little jaw around his ankle an bite him hard, ripping a whole in Dad's pant leg as he fled in terror when Dad swung a solid kick at him! unreal! thankfully he didn't bite hard enough to puncture the skin, but he sure gave his little jaws a good working out, as he tried to show this white man that visiting at such a late hour was unacceptable with the guard dogs! Dad tried to shorten the conversation an leave, as he still had one little orphan boy to take home, this little boy is basically on his own, an we were never quite sure exactly where he lives at, so he kept telling Dad that it is in this certain town, an so they drove an drove, than asked him how far it is yet, an he would just tell them that its further, this kept going on for quite an while, the little 9-10 yr old kept saying that its further still, enjoying a free ride with the white man! finally in desperation Dad stopped a piki driver an got him to talk with the boy in luo asking him where he needed to go, Dad was going to pay the piki driver to take the boy the rest of the way home as it was way too late by now for them to continue, but the little fella didn't want to talk to the piki driver, an the piki driver kept trying to get him to tell him where he lives so he can take him home, but the little guy didn't even want to get out of the van, so finally the piki driver said that the little guy keeps saying he wants to go back home to Kisumu with the pasta, an the piki driver explained to him that that was not possible, but the stubborn little guy refused to go with the piki driver! finally the piki driver told Dad that the police station was just down the road, an suggested taking him there to see if they know where he belongs...well, once they were at the police station, an were talking about leaving him there over night, the little guy quickly decided to use his vocal cords after all! an told them where to drop him, an here it was back at Masogo the little town that they had just driven through to take the girls home! oh! my! what a wild goose chase! they dropped him there an started the long trip back home to Kisumu, arriving back at the compound sometime after midnight...I guess live an learn, seems like sometimes when you lend a hand to a native, to do a favor for them they take your whole arm instead...but I guess that is where our love for these people must continue...only through Jesus can we continue to have a true heart of love an compassion for such a needy people as this.
Katie from Hillcrest, an Stacy from Kisumu...
In the mean time we youth went to Joe & Glenda's house for the evening, they had invited the youth for a mountain pie supper, after supper they played ping-pong, an it was great to have more youth with the hill-crest group still being here.
(Monday September 5th)
Today was very original...
Dad was at pastors meeting all day.
Mom did some of the laundry, an Wayne helped out where ever he was needed.
I worked on the blog most of the day.
The twins were busy in the shop, an getting things for repairs in town.
In the evening all of the compound went to Joseph & Becky's house for a farewell evening of sorts for the hillcrest group, the hillcrest group made pizza an ice-cream for everyone! what a treat! an what a blessing this group was! they painted the guest houses for us in several days an were very helpful in any way that they could be! they had such a heart of service, an where a real blessing to everyone here! thanks for coming to bless us all the way over here in Africa!
They are planning to return home again on Tuesday (Tomorrow) to either return home after finishing 15 months at the Hillcrest nursing home, or else, stay an take their schooling to become an RN.
(Tuesday September 6th)
Nothing much to write about today...
Brittany hard at work...
I did the rest of the laundry, an helped around home, mom was sewing most of the day.
Dad was out visiting most of the day.
The twins were working on several vehicles.
(Wednesday September 7th)
Today Dad & Mom left early to have a meeting with the needs committee about Joshua & Karen's wedding coming up in several weeks.
The three bro's an I stayed home.
Stan went to Jakes church for bible study, as Jakes family was still returning from Nairobi where they were picking up Jakes parents that are here for a several week visit.
Today Carolyn's parents also arrived in Kisumu, for a several week stay, to see where their daughter has been serving, an teaching school for the past year.
Steve was working on a motor bike that he seemingly had to test drive to town to buy other parts for repairs, I guess every job has it's highlights....
I was putting all the laundry away, making food for the bro's an went walking with Rhoda before dark. We were all just around home in the evening.
(Thursday September 8th)
Today was unit meeting, at our Kisumu compound.
Hillcrester's....  Cheryl, Rachel, an Tyler
All the missionaries and single staff working at the Nauru AMA compound came here, for the unit meeting, these unit meetings are held aprox. every 3 months or so.
So like usual us youth sat at the back, laughing, texting each other random comments, their were even some having a banana peeling fight, what a grand time...we also partially listened to the pastors an their wives up front sitting in a circle discussing various things, the ongoing work in Kenya, an specifically life on the compound, as well as discussing about various vacation requests, a leave for Bible school etc. an then they approve, or dis-approve the issue once it is discussed at great length.
My two friends who came to see me, when I was sick. (eating Sunday lunch with us)
Finally the meeting was over around 5pm. an we all had supper, an us youth played volley ball till curfew.
(Friday September 9th)
After all the Nakuru people stayed the night, they resumed the unit meeting at 7am. held at the same spot as it had been the previous day, at Joseph & Becky's big, spacious yard, under the white tent, only today was "orientation" instead of discussing compound comings an goings...orientation is for those of us that have come to Kenya within the last 6-9 months.
It was our family, Joe & Glenda, an Stacy I was again not able to attend the meeting because sleep didn't come for me till around 4:30am. so I slept in, an then worked on some sewing projects.
The rest eating lunch with the two orphan boys, an Kori.
The rest ate lunch after listening to several of the pastors giving topic's on various relatable subjects, encouraging us all as we strive together to make a difference in Kenya.
Over lunch time a lady from Nakuru was experiencing very high blood pressure, an after passing out, they took her to a local hospital, so that delayed several familes from returning to Nakuru till the following day, but thankfully she is doing ok, an was able to travel back to Nakuru on Saturday.
The youth weren't into volley ball tonight so we just had an open evening, so our family decided to go to hippo point to watch the amazing sunset once again.....And that concludes this weeks blog post! Thanks so much for the many of you who take time to read this, also, for your interest in our lives, as well as your encouragement an prayers.
We love an miss you all!
For The Miller's

They were so excited to be at our house, an have their first meal with a white family.

This little guy loves Mom an Dad, an didn't want to go home, such a cheesy grin though! HA!