(Saturday June 4th)
Charity is leaving an Rhoda is taking her place. |
SUPRISE! So this morning we all slept in.
We had our usual brunch, an then by 11am. Stacey, Glenda, an little Tiffany, an I went to Cosmos to swim. we got back to the compound around 3pm.
In the evening Dad, Mom an I went to Nakamatt for some groceries, then we were just around home in the evening.
As you can tell it was a very "chill" day, an we enjoyed it fully!
(Sunday June 5th)
Carolyn an I |
Today was the last Sunday that Linford an Kay were at our church, so we had a farewell service of sorts for them...we will miss them so very much! they seemed like a "life Jacket" to us after Tommy's left, an now to see them go....we know its time we start, "swimming on our own!" but Thank God we have his spirit that will guide an direct us!
So dad left early this morning to be there to teach the IC (instruction class).
Then the rest of our family, along with Linford an Kay came at the regular time.
I was planning on having my friend Irene go to church with us, since she really wanted to go, but we arrived at the place I told her that we will pick her up, an no Irene anywhere! it really made me sad but we had to leave without her, to not be late for church. Later several of the youth guys told me, "If you want a Kenyan lady to be on time, tell her to be at the place where you want to meet her, three hours before the actual time! then she might come on time" wow! I guess I need to keep that in mind...
So I was a little nervous to be going to church without Charity along, especially in Sunday school class, but once I got there I was very shocked... as the teacher was not around, an the girls are looking at each other wondering who will teach, so they sang some songs, an I hurriedly paged through my bible looking for something that I could talk to these girls about! my heart was in my throat, but I know it was good for me. God was there an helped me! Praise God! cause as I was paging through my bible, when they were singing, I was praying! thinking,.... Ok God! this would be a opportunity for you to show yourself strong, what should I talk about? please show me...an like I said God was there an helped me!....but it sure was stretching, I tried to talk with their accent, so that they could better understand me. but I had to laugh inside because, whenever I talk to a Kenyan, I switch to using their accent, an my brothers are always saying Sylvia! Stop it! an I honestly don't even think about it anymore. Anyway, the moral of the story is, Sunday school actually went ok...
We had a good farewell service for Linford's, with Linford preaching a "Keep the Faith" message, an then after MANY testimonies...an lots...an lots of singing we dismissed, an then we were invited to James Odeck's house for lunch, so that was nice to not have to make lunch.
So with our visitor's Dishon an Wycliff in tow, we went to James's house for a yummy lunch, bless his heart! he is a widower, an loves having people over for a meal, (Like all Kenyans) of course he gets the ladies from church to cook the food.
An after lots of Ugali, chapatti, an meat, we took last time pictures with Linford's, an then started our journey back to the compound.
Popcorn an Youth Memories! |
Over lunch we started talking with Dishon about my seizures, since he is a doctor. An he encouraged us that since I was not born having seizures, an they just randomly started several years ago, that it probably comes from an infection, or head trauma, (living with my brothers, was my guess on the head trauma??) lol. An he said it wont just go away on its own, but said we should get medication, as taking that for a time could cure it...I don't know, I'm soo scared of meds, I just don't want to start that. but then I'm sick of always being tired, an being scared to go out by myself since I never know when I'll have a seizure...so help me pray that I would know what to do! someone else suggested a limes test...so I guess we'll just have to see.
Anyway, enough negative ramble about my health issues! I really do enjoy life! lol even though the last paragraph sounds like I need anti-depressants!
(Monday June 6th)
Kiboko Bay Resort. |
Today, everyone stayed inside the compound, as the debates prevailed. Wayne ran down the street to grab some chapatti's for lunch, but the gate guard hardly let him go, an escorted him part ways...it was a bad day in Kenya on Monday, as protesters turned into rioting, an looting. I don't know many details but that some people got shot. An store front's with glass got broken, as a med-lam of out-of-their-mind, rioter's hurled stones through the glass, blocking off the roads, an burning cars, an tires, were the agenda of the day. It was so strange for our family, who never experienced anything like it, to hear shots, an know that people were fighting, an to see the smoke in the sky, an to hear shots right close to our house somewhere, as police fired tear gas into the air, to disperse crowds... What I find extremely interesting, is that its so absurd how that one day they are rioting, yelling, and destroying things, an the very next day you go to town, an other then smoke in the air, an smoldering tires, you wouldn't know anything has happened, the people are all business, an everything is normal again....what the world! Is this called "Anger Management!?" I sure don't understand...Let's Pray for peace in Kenya!
Dad was at the pastors Monday meeting all day.
I worked on the blog an was just around home...
The boys were working at the weld shop, an with needing things in town, an not being able to get them, it kinda hindered their work, but they managed ok.
The ladies that keep it all running smoothly. Mom, Glenda, Kay, an Clara |
Mom took lunch to the pastors meeting, an was doing laundry...
We were all just around home in the evening voxing people from home! fun...fun!
(Tuesday June 7th)
Today Dad an Linford were in an out of town, buying things for the clean-up day at church tomorrow.
Mom was baking banana bread, an doing various other things...as well as, making a grocery shopping trip to town, with Kay, to buy the food things for tomorrow.
Wayne an I were at home, and the twins were working at the shop, an also getting things in town. (Right! we go to town a lot, but then we live right in town so...)
So Wayne an I deep cleaned the three bro's bedroom, since over language classes, rooms like the boys bedroom got severely neglected, so after Wayne help to remove furniture, an to rearrange things, an wash, an sweep, an mop, we finally had a clean bedroom that looked so much better!
Then this evening, we (meaning the whole compound) went to Kiboko Bay, a fancy resort, to have supper together, an also in an effort to tell Linford & Kay good-bye...sad! since they will be leaving us this week. So after supper we all returned to the compound, an had ice-cream, an Oreo's, what a treat! We then all said nice things about Linford & Kay, an mourned that their short term of service here is up already! We will all miss their zeal, an life, that they brought to our compound, an more importantly to our church! God Bless you as you keep serving Him in Indiana! love you all!
(Wednesday June 8th)
Kiboko Bay Landscape... |
Today we had our clean-up day at church.
What a day! It made me wish that each one of you could have been there to experience it all with us!
First thing in the morning, the men started working on the driveway, leveling it out an getting it ready for gravel, then the first load of gavel came, an they unloaded it all by hand! it was unreal how hard they worked!! I helped here an there, an kept circling around with water for everyone, as it was a sweltering day.
So one load wasn't enough gravel, so while they went to get another load, we ate lunch, complete with cold soda's, a rare treat for our church people, especially to have them cold, since ice is an unheard of thing most places in Kenya.
Boat at Lake Victoria |
The view from Kiboko Bay over Lake Victoria |
We then had a short bible study by Linford, since it was Wednesday, an then a farewell for Linford's giving the church people time to express themselves before Linford's left for America, One individual even mentioning that he would like a laptop from Linford's as a gift. I'm thinking, Only a Laptop! really?! not bad...oh! the Kenyan people, you gotta love em'! so after everyone was through talking, the second load of gravel had still not come, so we played some games, the men played corn hole, while the ladies washed the dishes at the well, an then we played some racing games, trying to balance a bucket of water on our heads, the native ladies thought it was so funny to watch Kay, Mom, an I try to do it too, since we totally could not do it! We also had a rope, with some vicious Tug-of-war games! I stood in shock as the ladies even played tug-of-war, Hey! they work in the fields more then the men, so their actually very strong! The one time I couldn't help but laugh helplessly as I watched the tug-of-war game, an I see the one lady stretched out, flying along, being pulled by the rope, an then landing up in one of those pricker bushes! she went one way, an her veiling went the other way, but after a few moments to gather herself together, she was as good as new! I kept trying to imagine my grown church ladies at home doing that at a church function! wow!
Anyway, we had a great time together, an just as we were finishing up the games, the second load of gravel came so they all helped to unload that yet, an then we called it a day! we got back to the compound around 6:30pm. worn-out! sun-burned! an happy!
(Thursday June 9th)
Today Dad was at home an working in his office, getting ready for a meeting with the needs committee from church, an working on studying for Instruction class, an the message. he is kept so busy! but he wouldn't have it any other way.
The twins of course were working in the shop.
Wayne trying to get that perfect photo of the sun setting. |
I did our laundry, an then went to town for some groceries with Dad, of course we had to drive around abit! which was fun...especially since Dad had been in the office all forenoon, an we were both in a bit of a crazy mood, (dangerous combo!;) we were laughing at lame jokes, an just being goofy, having a good time! those are Memories of Dad that I hope I never take for granted!
We got back in time to get ready to take Linford an Kay to the airport, so after the usual "compound huddle" an prayer time, Dad, Mom, an I took Linford & Kay to the Kisumu town airport, which is about 10-15 min, from the compound. So we dropped them off, an picked up Carolyn an Charity as the two school teachers were returning from a vacation week in Mombasa, They had with them, Charity's replacement Rhoda Wengerd who will be replacing Charity Yoder in the class room here on the compound.
Pretty good picture for a camera with a scratched lens... |
On Thursday of this week Charity is flying back to America after quite a number of years of serving with her family, an then four more years after that, of being a school teacher, she will be missed terribly. especially her spunk, an zeal for life! she is small but mighty! =)
We got back from the airport in time to go to the weekly prayer meeting held here at the compound.
It was a small group as we are missing Marlins, an Linford's, an others were here an there, an not able to be present.
(Friday June 10th)
Today Mom an I were moving furniture around, an cleaning, an washing windows, etc.
The compound eating at Kiboko Bay |
but the main goal was to deep clean the office. since things needed some rearranging since we had moved in.
So after that job was finished, Wayne an I got a tuk-tuk an went to a electronic shop, to see if they could fix the scratch on the lens on my camera, of course I was supposed to come back today, but no! they still didn't know more then they had yesterday when I was there...he then said to return on Monday, but I knew with the way things go in Kenya, I would merely repeat what I was doing at the present, again on Monday, so I gave him my phone number, an told him to call me once he has the part. I guess we'll see.
A laundry day at the Miller house hold |
We got different things in town, an then as we started walking back looking for a tuk-tuk to take us back, here come the twins in a cloud of dust coming back from town, so we got them to take us on over to Ring road, as I had a birthday gift for my one friend Irene, that I met over walking on Ring road, I knew she wanted to be a doctor, so I got her the book "Gifted Hands" by Doc. Ben Carson, not that I ever read the book, since I don't enjoy reading, but thought it might be an encouragement for her, to strive toward her goal to be a doctor, even in the midst of poverty.
I sat at her stand were she sells sandals, an talked for about an hour, with my trusty body guard (Wayne, better known as Shannon to people back home.) sitting there patiently waiting, an then I gave him some money, as he wanted to go buy a chapatti to pass the time while he waited on me! lol good ol' brother dear!
Irene just turned 17 this week, an she went all the way to Uganda to buy shoes to sell them at her shop, an here she bought me these nice black sandals, I don't really care for the way that they look, but they are so comfortable that I don't really mind, an to know that she spent money on me, when she hardly has enough herself, just melted my heart!
Getting our vehicle loaded for the clean-up day at church. |
Preparing the lane for Gravel |
So eventually I started home, but the trip home that should have taken us 15min. walking, ended up taking close to an hour, as I kept meeting people I knew, an you don't just walk past them, you stop an chat, so I landed up at my friend "mamma Jenn" is what I call her, the lady with the hair braiding place, an two of her friends were there as well, one of them being a Muslim lady, that is very cocky, an outspoken, so they start talking, an asking me questions, (mamma Jenn was quiet much of the time, since she is a Christian.) but the other two, an especially the Muslim lady were asking questions faster then I could answer, an sometimes they were both talking at once, the Muslim lady was being rather critical of our religion, asking if we fast? an I said yes, an she asked, "which month?" an I said, we don't have a certain month that we fast, (I knew she was asking since the Muslims are fasting over the Ramadan holiday.) we just fast whenever something heavy is on our heart. an then she scoffed abit an said, "OH! so you all just fast whenever you want to!" an I tried to explain more, but I soon saw she wasn't asking to know more, she was asking to then condemn. she I tried to answer their questions a politely as I could, an soon they wanted me to sit down, an I told them I'm not sure that I want to do that, because, it seems they are being a bit angry with me! an they all laughed an said no! they are just having discussion with me, so I sat down abit to make them happy, an the "discussion" continued, with the Muslim lady getting all worked up about things she didn't agree with me, then she would grab a book an vigorously start fanning herself saying that she is getting so warm, talking like this with me, that I need to bring her a coke, then she basically started begging for money so that she could buy a coke.
Little cutie pie in our church |
They also, asked about the head covering, an I tried to explain how we believe about it, an of course the Muslim lady thought we should cover all our hair like they do, (Even though she sits there not wearing her covering till we started talking about the covering then she quickly wrapped herself up in it.) they all said that they want to learn more about the covering, an Mamma Kay seemed sincere about it, so the next afternoon, I took them the scripture in Corinthians that talks about the head covering down to their shack along with 3 very cold cokes! they couldn't believe it. I even got a stiff little Thanks from the Muslim lady, an even though I had to pray for love for her at the time, I know she has hurts, an is in need of love, an I want to be the one to love her! she seems bitter about something, an obviously has a lack of love flowing into her life, or else she would know how to give love. Pray for her, her name is Carolyn.
That whole experience left me seeing how that I need to study my Bible more, an to know where I stand more. So I know God had a purpose, maybe not that they learned anything new from me, but that I learned things from them.
In the evening I grilled chicken for super, an the youth had Volley ball.
It was really good to have Rhoda with us, as well as Kori from the Nakuru mission.
An that is all for this time!
Love you all!
-Sylvia For The Miller's
Mom doing it the traditional way. |
Linford taking time to chat |
Smoke from the riots! |
Unloading the gravel by hand! |
Rice an cooked cabbage |
The highlight of the day |
Washing the lunch dishes at the well |
The guys trying out corn-hole |
Finishing up the dishes |
That one had to go in the hole!! =) |
Hey there! |
Getting ready to play a game with the ladies |
1-2-3!! who can get the most water in the buckets at the end of the row. |
These white people an their games! |
These ladies dumped water everywhere! they laughed until they cried!! |
Pour! pour! pour! hurry!!! |
Watching the games from the side line |
It might look ok now...but wait till I take my Hands off of the bucket!! Bad news! |
They could hardly finish showing us their skills! =) |
This totally made the natives day, that the twins tried it too! |
The twins cleaning out their weld shop. |
Steve an I thought this view would be neat since there were riots going on, but I was too scared once I was half way up. BUT! I'll still do it sometime! lol |