Sunset over Lake Victoria |
Today was actually a very relaxing day! had Language class till 12 noon, on my beloved Saturday! starting at the terribly uncivilized hour of 8 a.m. after class the twins an I, along with Carolyn, Stacy, an Charity, went to "hangover" which is a very awesome restaurant an ate chapatti's an beef, an the food was actually served very quickly which is a very unusual occurrence for Kenya! we then strolled around town alittle visiting the little shacks an looking over what they had to sell, Steve wond up buying a sporty little hat for the youth supper this Friday evening. we enjoyed having luo conversations with the locals, as far as our limited store of words allowed us anyway.
At Kikoko Bay |
(Sunday April 24th)
Fish Dinner |
Today we had a normal Sunday. As well as a smaller attendance. Linford had a message on: Is the hub of your life Jesus?! he used a bike tire to demonstrate, something they could identify with, an have a visual mind picture, that with out a hub, an spokes of Prayer, Bible reading, an witnessing going out to the tire, the wheel cannot rotate.
We had had a lot of rain Saturday evening, so that made for a muddy trip to church, with sloshing through huge mud puddles, an slipping around in the mud at church. I so wished I would have worn my old sandals, or else went barefoot like I seen some smart natives doing, course a person never knows what is crawling around in the dirt here.
To get our van out of the church yard, Dad had to take a run at a little patch of gravel, an then, speed up an use that traction to propel him out of the low wet church yard.
Dad & Mom an Linford & Kay |
Linford was trying to get their vehicle out an all four tires were slinging mud, so it was a new experience going to church in older dresses, but if you get muddy might as well not ruin good clothes!
Charity was at our house for lunch. We Sorta made a deal with her that if she brings dessert, she can come every Sunday for lunch, she always did that with Tommy's, and she also said she always washed the dishes after lunch, so we are keeping up the tradition I guess. we love having her!
Our family was just at home Sunday evening, studying our homework for classes Monday Morning.
Eating supper at the Bay |
(Monday April 25th)
Had Language till noon. After class Dad an Joe went to join the pastors meeting till around 4:30 or 5:00.
After having lunch break, the twins went to help Jadon an Lavon work in the weld shop.
I helped around home, but mostly worked on the blog.
(Tuesday April 26th)
Had Language class.
In the afternoon the twins were working in the weld shop. Dad was around home all day, running here an there doing things that needed doing. Mom was baking, an I was sewing the dress for my friend Jane.
The native youth from Stacey's church came around 5:30 pm about 15 of them, we had a v-ball game planned for tonight, but it got cancelled because it started to rain an it didn't stop for quite some time.
so we all just loafed around home here. an that is about all that happened today!
Language till 12.
In the afternoon Dad an the boys went to town to get several things.
Mom was cooking away in the kitchen, an I was enjoying working an weeding the flower beds, in the very warm sunshine!
We will be hosting the weekly Thursday evening prayer meeting at our house.
Dad an Mom went to town to get some groceries, then came back in time to go out for supper with Linford & kay.
Dad doing lawn care |
The bros an I went to town an bought random things to eat at little booths along the way, then sat on the pavement to eat our food, an watched as everyone passed by with amused looks on their faces, that we "white People" sat there in the middle of everything eating our supper.
The Mystery Supper |
We then strolled around town looking at various shops, Stan bought a pair of pants he had spotted earlier, we had a grand time chatting with people, an my brothers already have friends that recognize them, so when they start laughing an talking, it usually goes awhile! Wayne especially likes talking with the natives, they get a huge kick out of his humor, an his size! =) they are always asking what he eats, since Kenyans prefer being heavier, rather then skin an bones like most of them are!
seems that our family keeps breaking things around here! its so embarrassing...but my brothers were all sitting on the one side of their bed earlier this week, they were looking at something on the laptop, an with a loud CRACK! the bed collapsed!! an they descended rapidly to the floor with a solid THUNK!! needless to say the next day found Steve the handy man strolling around looking for any stray pieces lumber to restore their former place of abode.
Stacey, Micah, Charity |
Anyway, me an the three bros got home just shortly after dark from an enjoyable time with our town people.
We all then worked on getting our homework assignments done...
(Thursday April 28th)
Had Language in the forenoon.
We all ate lunch, an either took power naps, or started on various tasks, but by afternoon we were all busy, mowing lawn, cleaning, washing windows, etc. Trying to get our little place ready for the compound prayer meeting, an even though we had a big rain storm just before prayer meeting an it knocked out our power, we lite the candles, an the lamps, an prayed for the requests anyway. an for the restoration of light! :) we all had a great evening.
Had Language in the forenoon.
Then we all ate lunch, an rested abit.
Dad an mom went to town for some things, an I worked on getting most of the blog done, which is shorter then usual, which I am very proud of... an was a nice break from typing!
Wayne cleaning up the place |
The twins did odd jobs here an there, an then we all got ready to go to the mystery supper that Janette, Jadon an Lavon had planned for the youth as a farewell before they leave us in several weeks. So they had a nice table set up for the whole group of us, Marcus an Micah joined us for the occasion, adding their epic humor to our fun little group! We had a great evening...even if I had to eat my salad, an Peanut butter pie first. since all the food had different names,(Salad= Jennifer's Gardens, Silverware= Masia spears, etc.) you had to fill out a slip of paper with what you "thought" you wanted for first, second, an third course. at least we all got our silverware with the first course, but was rather disappointing not to be able to watch a poor soul trying to eat their food without utensils!
Janette did an amazing job, an she had cooked up a 5 star meal, with all her younger siblings underfoot, an her parents gone! wow! what a super-women!
Steve an Jadon Working on welding |
Stan, Clarissa, Steve, me! |
Dad & Mom left around 8:15 pm to go out for supper with Joeseph & Becky, an Linford & Kay the Asian restaurant doesn't open till 9:00 pm! so that is why they left so late, seemed like a strange hour to eat dinner to me, but tomorrow would be Saturday anyway, an they reported much yummy food an amazing time together! Seems the last several days we have helicopters flying overhead, an I heard say that they are calling in soldiers from the Kenyan army to help with the riots that have been breaking out, with the upcoming election, there was a riot in town earlier this week, an the local police were able to control it temporarily with tear-gas ect. but make it a matter of prayer, if you think about it, that the staff could be safe, during this time.
An so ends another week in Luo land...we keep loving it here, more an more every day!
Sylvia -For the Miller's