Wednesday, 21 December 2016

CBYC Program, Ladies Day In Nia, A Farwell Once Again!

(Saturday December 10th)
CBYC Building where Bible School was at...
Today we were at CBYC most of the day...Dad went off somewhere to tour another coffee plantation, Mom went shopping with Anna Louise since we were staying at their place over night.
I took my time there at Steve's place the next morning, relaxing, refreshing, an getting ready to go to CBYC which was about a 10 min. drive from the compound, I got there around noon, an basically watched as they took their final exam, then we all had lunch together, an after that we headed out to hike the crater that was close was a difficult hike, but it was fun...[clears throat] some went further an higher in climbing the crater ledge then others!
We all got back to the compound where CBYC was taking place at, an the students had just enough time to refresh themselves, before giving their program, since the program already started at 4pm.
Some of the Bible school youth, in front of the crater...*Not all are present.
Mark Beachy was the director, it went great! an I think it was the most beautiful singing that I have heard Kenyan's singing, since I came to Kenya! they actually sang in parts, instead of all just singing the melody, it was great!
After the program they had chia for all the visitors that had come for the program, an then after all the visitors left again for home, they served supper for the remaining youth an the youth that came to visit.
It was fun that we got to hang out with all the students that evening till around 8:00pm. then we were all called inside to have a time of sharing, which ended up being a rather "open" an entertaining time, for me at least! of course I didn't say anything since I wasn't a student, an most shared of what they learned in the 10 days there, an how they were blessed, challenged, convicted...but several took the opportunity to say that they hope to be married by this time next year, an might not attend CBYC...LOL! I sat there thinking how youth back home would respond to things said like that at the end of a Bible school...unreal! bless their hearts!
Choir practice with Mark Beachy... 
We were finally finished at around 9:15pm. then they all dismissed for bed, an we headed back to the compound.
It was an interesting day! And I was glad I got to experience some of CBYC since I was not able to attend as a student.
(Sunday December 11th)
Today Dad an Mom left early from Nakuru to make the 2.5 hr. trip back to Kisumu in time to attend our church services at Nyakoko since Dad didn't have anyone to replace him at the pulpit. (Wayne also went home with Dad & Mom.)
So I stayed at Nakuru, an Steve's family dropped me off at CBYC on their way to their church, so I was there for the services, which were very interesting, an the youth all sang a lot of the songs again from their program they had given the evening before, it was very enjoyable.
The hard-working cooks who cooked the entire 10 days..
We all had a quick lunch, an after everyone had loaded up their belongings, we headed back towards Kisumu, Bishop Wayne had one van full of people, My brother Steve had a van, an Stan had a van load, so it was an interesting trip home...especially hearing about all the jokes they had a CBYC, only one word or phrase, an they would all erupt in laughter, an those of us who didn't attend CBYC sat there grinning stupidly, realizing we totally "didn't get" the joke!
Also not having any AC on our trek back home made for some tired, dusty, an warm people by the time we reached Kisumu!
We got back around 4:30pm. an unloaded all our things, an just relaxed around home, napping an snacking being the main agenda.
(Monday December 12th)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE KATE!!! I Love you so much my friend!
Today Dad went to Pastors meeting...

A group washing dishes...this is how all dishes were washed!
The twins were catching up on work around home.
Mom an the rest of the compound ladies all went out to where Mark Beachy's live, for a last party with Mary Ellen, since they are fixing to leave for home in America again after living here in Kenya for 2.5 yr.
I think the ladies had fabric shopping on the agenda, along with some other activities they did together.
So Wayne an I were at home...doing our jobs, me of course working on the blog, making food for the three bro's and Dad, doing laundry, etc. It was a very busy Monday actually...
(Tuesday December 13th)
Study groups...
Today I was feeling rather sick an got a late start...Dad was sick in bed most of the day, Stan was looking rather pale an said he doesn't feel well, an Steve couldn't stop blowing his nose! an looking blue himself...maybe a Bible School hangover...or better yet a Nakuru hangover, since we had not all been to Bible school, an with the terribly cold temps in Nakuru, there is no wonder Steve caught a cold. The weather reminded me of the fall weather back home, where a jacket felt good, an a cozy fire even better!
In the evening we all moped around home, wishing our health would somehow be restored.
I did somehow manage to get the laundry done, with the help of my little helper from ring in the evening I was working on putting away all the clean laundry as well.
(Wednesday December 14th)
Today Dad & Mom went to Bible Study, despite Dad still feeling very weak an sick...Stan went along to do the driving, since Dad was feeling rather ill.
Study group...
Mom was busy exchanging doilies with the ladies from church, she bought them some thread, an they are making the most beautiful doilies with it, we are taking them back to America to give to places like The Home Place an Miller's Bakery an Furniture, it provides these poor widows with a small income.
Before Bible study Dad was having meetings with people who either had difficulties in their life, or others who needed to be reproved of sins in their life.
Wayne an I were around home again today, we did our jobs an things that needed to be done, then in the afternoon I went to the dentist to fix a loose wire on my that's about all that happened today.
Stacy Byler doing her final exam at Bible school...
Dad on the other hand despite being sick, went to Ahero to haul a body for someone he knew, an ended up coming home very late!
(Thursday December 15th)
Today we were all just at home, except for Dad who was having a meeting with one of the IC class members, who was caught lying about something or other...
Mom was working around home...I was baking cookies most of the day, for Janice a busy mother, an Glenda a young mother of two.
Dad came home around 7pm...
Stan an I raced to hippo point to watch the sunset, an enjoy the cool breeze off of the lake, after a scorching hot day!
In line to get their plate of food for lunch...
 We all had a yummy supper of fried chicken, an since prayer meeting had been canceled, due to extra activities planned for Mark's Farwell on Friday night, we had yet another evening at home, telling stories, an Dad telling us about his meeting he had [In full dramatized detail] an then we did some singing, or practiced some songs for when we go to visit Richard's family, where they want Dad to preach at a revival meeting that they have planned for the one evening, they told us they are inviting a lot of people, an even some high-up government people, an putting up signs saying that a missionary family from America came all the way to Kenya to preach an sing...well, I think they have gone alittle overboard an blown it up abit, especially since we had originally thought we are just going to meet Richards family...but I guess it should prove to be an interesting adventure!
Playing some volley ball....
(Friday December 16th)
Today we were around home, the twins working on odd jobs here an there, they don't have a lot of work right now, an it makes it harder for them to wait to go home in Jan. for Bible school, they are so thrilled to be going back home for several weeks, an they make sure I know about it too! :) I'm happy for them that they get to go home....
Dad wasn't feeling well again today, so he just took it easy around home, I was so glad to see him do that!
In the afternoon the three bros worked on cleaning out the chicken house, a hot an smelly job for sure!
In the evening we had v-ball on the street, an with it being Markus an Micah's last time, we had a farewell of sorts for them, with the entire compound coming out on the lane, an Marks coming in too.

Stacy an Jane from Nyakoko...notice the sweaters, it is COLD in Nakuru
After we were almost finished playing v-ball we had a snack complete with homemade ice-cream, an other yummy things, to celebrate Mark's survival of living in Kenya 2.5 yrs. or I assume that is what we were celebrating, we certainly weren't celebrating their leaving, since we will all miss them like, a lot!!
Especially all the laughs in v-ball, a highlight of imitating jostie flicks, it was always such an enriching time! lol
So after v-ball, an the farewell, we all dispersed to our various houses around 10:30pm.
So that is all for this week...

Have a good week! An thanks for your prayers an support! We love an miss you all!!
Have a Merry Christmas, an A Happy New Year!!

Weston Miller from Kisumu giving a devotional...
If you need to unthaw, an you want to go to a way more 'awesome' place then Florida, where we all know the "newly-weds" an "half-dead's" hang out.....instead come to Kenya! We could thaw your frozen bones out in a hurry!! And you wouldn't even have to pretend like you enjoy shuffle board!
 Ok, much Love!
~Sylvia Miller
For The Miller's

Singing choir songs...

The youth girls singing....

Janice hanging up laundry...

Study group...

Exam time....

Girls sleeping quarters...

Monday, 12 December 2016

Another Funeral, Oreo Milk Shakes, An CBYC!

(Saturday December 3rd)
Today was the day of the funeral...what a day though!
A little boy watching as the casket is taken...
we got there around 11am. an had some testimonies...but due to a smaller funeral, an Daniel from our church moderating, the testimonies didn't go jus on an on, like they sometimes do!
But toward the end of the message after the service was almost over several politicians staggered in, an wanted to give long speeches...but Daniel soon shut them down, an told them that if they had so much to say they should have come when James was still alive, I found that rather humorous since I had not heard that said from a Kenyan before.
Dad had a strong salvation message, pleading for repentance while we still have life an breath...Bishop Wayne then had the committal at the graveside service.
Sitting under the sweltering tent at the funeral...
Bringing the casket to the grave...
So first of all, the grave diggers had dug the grave big enough at the top, but it slanted too small at the bottom, so after trying to get the casket to go down an it got stuck, they brought it back up, an one of the men jumped down in an started digging away to make so there was more room at the bottom of the grave, they then tried lowering the casket again, I just cringe how they handle caskets here in Kenya, not at all with the reverence an care that we handle our caskets at home! they were lowering it down in, but not level, an you could hear the body slamming around inside the casket....CRINGE! They lowered it down in, an it was only inches away from being at the bottom, but still got stuck on a clod of dirt jutting out from the one instead of bringing the casket all the way back up again, the one guy from our church just jumped down in on top the casket, an after several hard bounces, an several hard THUMPS with the heel of his shoe, the casket thudded on into the bottom...I'm standing there thinking... wow! so that is how you get someone into their grave....if only my friends from America could be here at these moments! especially funerals, they are real cultural experiences...women weeping...cooks cooking food for crowds of butchering cows an sheep....dogs running around fighting over left over meat.....piki's bringing people, tents, an a speaker system....putting up tents an on an is quite the experience! but jumping down on the casket an bouncing on it to get it to slide into place was a new one for me!
Dad watching as they cover the grave...
After the funeral all of our CBF church people went to a lady from our churches house that was close to the funeral for lunch...after eating lunch sitting outside the hut on the ground, I sat under one of the few shade trees with the children an I tried to teach them some different clapping games, they seemed to enjoy it, an I know I sure did! those children's joy is just so contagious...they are happy with simply nothing it seems like!
We traveled back home to Kisumu, an decided to quickly go to hippo point to watch the was a relaxing evening to unwind there at the lake...
(Sunday December 4th)
Today Dad an Mom an Wayne an I went to our church like usual, but since a lot of our youth an the twins went to CBYC in Nakuru it seemed rather lonely at church...Dad preached on having victory in our lives an not living in defeat, it was a good Sunday!
Lowering the casket the first time...
We actually got home around 2pm. unreal! We then had lunch together with ourselves, then after that our much appreciated nap time, after naps I woke up to a beautiful evening outside an wanted to go do something, but the rest were lazy, so I got a piki an went up at Acacia an watched the sunset, wrote in my journal, watched people coming an just hung out with myself! It was a nice time.
(Monday December 5th)
Today I got up early an got my blog post out! Congrats to me!
Then from noon to late afternoon all of the compound ladies an children went swimming.
After swimming, Rissa, Shonda, an I all went to Acacia an got some of their amazing milk-shakes! They have this new Oreo milk shake, an although it is like a dollar more then the rest, it is the best thing EVER! just saying.
What a Monday though...felt quite lazy, but oh so amazing, an to be with all the ladies an children, an sunshine! it was just too good!
Oooops! digging the grave bigger since the casket didn't fit in...
(Tuesday December 6th)
Today I got our laundry together, an was well under way at washing when one of my friends from ring road stopped by an wanted to help me do the laundry, so we had ourselves a jolly grand time, an I sure didn't complain about having a helper! no sir!
In the afternoon Rissa an I went to Java house for lunch, I guess just to celebrate being the only youth girls left over on the compound with CBYC in full swing...not that that was something to celebrate, since we missed the others so much! but we had a grand time!
After lunch we went to visit one of my friends...actually it was Richards wife Janet, I needed to pick up a book I had given to her to read, an of course to hold Baby Peter Gerold was all part of the fun!
I also took some candy along an Rissa an I gave the many, many, dirty, smiling, smelly, cute little children was so fun to see their faces light up!
We got back home around 3:30pm.
But probably the highlight of my day was that I actually drove a mission vehicle!! for the first time since I am in was quite exciting an I enjoyed it a lot, but it is so different then at home...but it felt like an accomplishment for me, since I am struggling to do things like that on my own since my that was really exciting for me.
Digging deeper...
(Wednesday December 7th)
Today Dad an Mom went to Bible study like usual, then after doing our jobs, Wayne an I went swimming the rest of the afternoon, I went to Nakamatt in the morning an printed all the family pictures out for the church people that I had taken several months ago, I guess that will be their Christmas gift from us this year...after swimming, Wayne an I went to hippo point to watch the sunset, an then came back home with piki's.
(Thursday December 8th)
Today we were all just around home here, (except for the twins, of course) Dad was working in the office all day catching up on reports an things, we were getting things ready to leave Friday morning for Nakuru as we want to be there for the program given by the students on Saturday then.
Bishop Wayne having the committal...
Prayer meeting was at Joseph an Becky's house, an it was a small group with everyone gone...we sang some Christmas songs, an it was good to sing them again, but somehow took extra energy to want to sing them...if that makes any sense at all...?
So I guess the only memorable thing that really happened today is that I woke up this morning after having this dream that I was somehow allowed to attend Jon & Jenn's wedding after all, (For those of you that don't know Jenn is one of my very best friends that got married since I moved to Africa, an I was not able to attend her wedding.) anyway, I woke up with my hand extended awkwardly above my head, then I realized that I had been dreaming that I was taking a selfie with Jon & Jenn on their wedding day! ha ha! I was laughing before I got out of bed that morning...I dream a lot, like every night! I dreamed a while ago that I was taking a selfie with Trump, an after that I was sky diving!! what a disappointment to wake up after such amazing dreams! after all who wouldn't want to take a selfie with Trump!? ha!
Anyway, so much for that random "rabbit trail".
(Friday December 9th)
Getting a ride from an older sibling...those smiles though!
Today we all got up early an packed our bags for the long trip to Nakuru, (3 hours) an we left the compound around 8am. taking with us Carolyn an Amanda, Amanda is one of Carolyn's friends that came to visit her while she is here in Kenya, since they had both come to Kenya several years back on WATER program. We also picked up Winnie from Rabour church, a native girl that is friends with Carolyn, who she had invited to go we had a grand time on our way to Nakuru, with much laughter an entertainment, we stopped half way through the trip an some of us toured the coffee plantation, since Dad is all into coffee raising an harvesting right now, he always needs to have a hobby an this is one of them! I'm glad he has something else he can spend his time at instead of just our church needs all of the time...its good for him to think of something else once in a while.
We got to Nakuru in time to hear the choir practice several of their songs, actually they were recording their songs, an we got to sit in if we were really quiet. (Because of recording) then they had some volley ball to which some of us joined into, an then it was suppertime, an the students had to disperse at 7:30pm since it was exam day the next day, or as my brothers called it, "Reckoning Day!"
Mom singing with the choir ladies...
It was so good to see my brothers again...I think they should write a whole post on their time spent there at CBYC, from swap baths, to sleeping in the dorm with all those had to be quite the experience, but of course they don't see any need to outdo themselves to give any details about their time was a "nice time" an that's all I needed to know...I might add that they did text me pleading that I bring snacks for them, as the whole 10 days was all Kenyan food, an native ladies cooking it, but others said the food was fine, so I keep wondering if my brothers were a tad-bit "wimpy" ha! ha! just imagine!
Clapping with the children...
Our family stayed at Steve Eash house over night since the compound looked abit more appealing to us then the dorms at CBYC. plus there wasn't room to stay there anyway...
Well, that is all I have for now...I hope to squeeze a good story or so out of the twins to add to next weeks blog post, so we can all hear alittle about their time at CBYC!!
Have a blessed week, with the joy of the Lord as your strength!!

For The Miller's

Children...Children...everywhere! starved for Love, attention, an approval...



Teaching them the "Bind Us Together" song...


Trying hard to get all the clapping figured out!



Joining hands an singing, "There Is Only One Body.".....

Clara relaxing at the pool side...

The children having a blast!

Shonda helping her little cousin Tiffany on the slide...

My friend who came to help me with laundry...

The moderator at CBYC (Just had to add several pics of CBYC.)

The Choir singing their songs...

Stan having a joke with one of his friends...

Monday, 5 December 2016

A Pastor On A Piki, A Baptism, An Another Wake!

(Saturday November 26th)
Bishop Joseph an Pastor Joallen Baptizing...
Today we of course slept in late...then for something different the three bros an I decided to go swimming! We had much fun! Dad an Mom also came to the pool in the late afternoon, after Dad was finished studying for his message for tomorrow.
Us children then came home an got ourselves cleaned up, then we got a picnic supper together, an met Dad an Mom At hippo point for a picnic, we ate our supper by the lake, an watched a amazing was a VERY relaxed Saturday for sure!
(Sunday November 27th)
My Friend Leah being baptized...
Today Dad & Mom went to our church like usual, an us youth were going to Aroba for the Baptism of three of their we were supposed to drop off Wayne at our church, so he could get a piki from Masogo on back in to our church...he went with us because Dad & Mom left so early for our church...anyway, the morning didn't go quite as we had planned, first Dads patrol gives out in due to my non-existent mechanical thinking, I have no idea what went wrong with the vehicle! my brothers could tell you though...all I know is something or other was getting hot....maybe the muffler?....or the engine!? who knows. Missionary vehicles always get hot one time or another...right?
So Dad had to leave his vehicle in Ahero, an him an mom grabbed the nearest van heading to where our church road branches from the main road, an then got piki's to take them on back in to our church...poor mom hates piki rides, so it was a trying Sabbath day for her!
They arrived at church in one piece, an were a-little late for IC class, the natives were surprised to see the pasta being late! maybe now they know how we feel when they are always as for our journey to was more uneventful, an cool as ever was the fact that the three bros an I got to take Joseph's new truck to church, we were in shock the whole way there! we had AC, an even a CD player that worked in the truck! Oh! Happy Day! we are used to driving a van with a window missing, natural AC, an carpeting loose on the floor of the van...anyway, it gets us there an back, an that's really all we need!

Committing their lives to Christ...
So first, there was a guy at the gate that needed a ride to our church since his family is attending there, so he got in, an the truck was we still had to pick up Victor, an take him along to needless to say, Wayne was generous enough to sit on the back of the truck on the way to church, an then got a piki, an went to our church in Nyakoko, along with the other guy that was at the compound gate, an the rest of us continued our trip to Aroba for the Baptism...we had a good day an were invited to one of the youth guys house from Aroba for lunch, along with all of the other Nyakoko youth that came for the Baptism, an David & Leah, Victor, an some others from Aroba...we had a jolly grand time, an finally left for home an arrived home around 5:30- 6:00pm. What a day it was!
Joseph having the message...
(Monday November 28th)
Today I was going to have a dentist appointment to put on the top part of my braces, but then it got cancelled.
So I was just working around home, I tried to work on the blog, despite no internet.
In the evening Kate Yoder called, an we had a good long was so good to talk to her again, I miss her like everything since she is basically my best friend from home!
Dad of course was at pastors meeting all day...Dad an I went on a walk in the evening, an took one of my sandals to a shoe fixing hut along ring road, he fixed my sandal for .50 not bad I thought!
(Tuesday November 29th)
Today I was again around home all day, I again worked on catching up on my blog posts...but mostly helped to cook an clean since we had invited Joseph an Becky along with their company from the states over for supper...we had a good evening!
(Wednesday November 30th)

This is the time of year that the natives are harvesting their rice...
This morning I did something I never did before...I was a substitute  teacher for Carolyn, for about an hour while she went to the airport to pick up one of her friends there that was coming to visit her here in Kenya...the teaching experience was fun, but also very new for me! I think the students were all happy to see Carolyn return!!
Piling the rice in a circle, with the heads facing inside, so the birds don't eat the rice
In the afternoon I went to Bible study with Dad an Mom, it was not at someone's home like it usually is, but rather at the church house, the service was stretched out for longer then usual, since they were making plans for the upcoming funeral on Saturday, for James a member from our church who passed away from sickness an old all of the members need to add their 2cents on how it should all be done so it took a long time to discuss everything! We got home around 6:30pm.
(Thursday December 1st)
back-breaking work, as they cut all the rice by hand an carry it to the circles..
Today we were all just working around home here, even Dad was home an working in the office...The twins were getting ready for CBYC (Christian Believers Youth Conference) an last minute Steve decided that he need new Sunday shoes for the occasion, so I went to town with him, trying to find a pair that struck his fancy, we were successful an returned home in time to finish packing, an I quickly ironed several shirts for them, then we gathered on the lane to have a prayer for them, in the group were about 9 mission youth, an 5-6 native youth, but they had around 4-5 different vehicles as they needed to pick up other youth at appointed destinations, an then continue the long trek to Nakuru were a 10 day Bible School is taking place. I have since heard that with the CBF youth in Nakuru they have around 50 youth there! so pray that the seed could be planted in their hearts an lives!
(Friday December 2nd)
Once in a circle, they put a stone in the middle, an beat the rice heads on the stone
Today Dad An Mom left early to go out to our church area an pick up some of the church people an take them along to the funeral home, as is the custom here...they waited around 3 hours at the funeral home till the body was ready! then they put the casket on the top of the van to make the long trek back in to the place where the funeral was taking place.

In the meantime Wayne an I came with public transport in the we got off the van that brought us to the road where our church road branches off of the main road, we took piki's an as I was getting on my piki I look over an see Wayne trading places with his piki driver! GASP! the piki driver was on the back, an he was getting in the front to drive it! I almost had a panic attack, much to Wayne's delight...I tried begging an then pleading, but my words meant very little to him, he was planning on driving the piki, I held my breath several times since the road was bumpy an filled with pot-holes, an he was swerving around those, an with trying to balance another person on the back!? I couldn't watch!! I concluded that the piki driver did not value his life an breath as much as I did...he was sitting on the back like nothing out of the ordinary was going on, an grinning with delight that a white person was driving his piki! Wayne ended up driving all the way back to Masogo, an then we looked for piki drivers there that knew where the funeral was at...Wyane an I were not on speaking terms for around 15 min. but after the reality hit me that we were now safe an sound at the funeral place, an that I might as well not try to tell little-BIG brother what to do, I was fine! an we were soon laughing an joking together again...oh! sibling stress....gotta love em' though!
Wayne then helped dig the grave, after we showed our respects at the casket an shook hands with the family...we then sat around watching as tents were erected, a cow was butchered for the feast... an dogs ran around everywhere looking for a bloody morsel of left overs to fight over...although this was one of the poorest funerals I have been to, they somehow always have money for a speaker system with loud music, an beer....we left around 5:30pm instead of staying at the wake till so late like we had the funerals before this.
We got home in time to go to Java house for supper, an ate good ol' American type of food, an what a treat that was...we enjoyed it greatly!
So that is all that happened this week...hopefully next week you will be able to hear all about the funeral, so for now, have a good week!
love an miss you all!
For The Miller's

For the last three weeks till harvest, someone needs to watch the ripening rice all the time, since the birds can clear a rice plot in a few the "guard" sits in a small hut at their plot of rice all day for 3 weeks, or until threshing day...

Richard an John washing off the benches, an sprinkling water on the dust floor before Bible study.

The place in Masogo where James casket was made...



Tents being set up at the place the funeral was at...

Dad making sure the casket will be ready on Friday...

After much hard digging, they rested awhile...

Poor James house, an casket...

People gathering for the wake...

All of the children at the wake, that followed me around...

I had a good time with them, an they taught me Luo words so...

When you babysit your younger sibling...